Rotary announces $100 million to eradicate polio The funding comes as Rotary and its partners in the GPEI address the most pressing challenges to ending poliovirus transmission in vulnerable pockets of the world."> Rest of Rotary World Rotary announces $100 million to eradicate polio The funding comes as Rotary and its partners in the GPEI address the most pressing challenges to ending poliovirus transmission in vulnerable pockets of the world. Jun 2019Jun 11 2019 Gates Foundation, GPEI, nigeria, Pakistan, polio, PolioPlus, poliovirus, Rotary, unicef, vaccine, who Viewed: 1,072 Rotary announces $100 million to eradicate polio The funding comes as Rotary and its partners in the GPEI address the most pressing challenges to ending poliovirus transmission in vulnerable pockets of the world." href="">Read more
Rotary invites people to ‘Dine Out for Polio’ Restaurants will donate a percentage of their sales to Rotary’s polio eradication campaign and to participate, customers will have to tell the servers, “I am dining out for polio.”"> Rest of Rotary World Rotary invites people to ‘Dine Out for Polio’ Restaurants will donate a percentage of their sales to Rotary’s polio eradication campaign and to participate, customers will have to tell the servers, “I am dining out for polio.” Oct 2018Oct 24 2018 The Courier Cedar Valley, Ebola, La Pizzeria, polio, Sika, unicef Viewed: 735 Rotary invites people to ‘Dine Out for Polio’ Restaurants will donate a percentage of their sales to Rotary’s polio eradication campaign and to participate, customers will have to tell the servers, “I am dining out for polio.”" href="">Read more
Rotary, UNICEF fight to eradicate polio In September, the WHO declared Nigeria polio-free, leaving only two countries in the world that have never stopped transmission of the wild poliovirus: Afghanistan and Pakistan."> Rest of Rotary World Rotary, UNICEF fight to eradicate polio In September, the WHO declared Nigeria polio-free, leaving only two countries in the world that have never stopped transmission of the wild poliovirus: Afghanistan and Pakistan. Oct 2018 Sarah Ferguson, Forbes Afghanistan, immunisation, nigeria, Pakistan, poliovirus, unicef Viewed: 828 Rotary, UNICEF fight to eradicate polio In September, the WHO declared Nigeria polio-free, leaving only two countries in the world that have never stopped transmission of the wild poliovirus: Afghanistan and Pakistan." href="">Read more
Rotary International’s final battle against polio The global organisation recently made another serious move to end polio, awarding nearly $100 million in grants to eradicate the disease in the countries where it remains endemic. "> Rest of Rotary World Rotary International’s final battle against polio The global organisation recently made another serious move to end polio, awarding nearly $100 million in grants to eradicate the disease in the countries where it remains endemic. Sep 2018Sep 20 2018 Alice Dickow, Inside Philanthrophy 3-H, Bill Gates Foundation, nigeria, Pakistan, polio, unicef Viewed: 1,215 Rotary International’s final battle against polio The global organisation recently made another serious move to end polio, awarding nearly $100 million in grants to eradicate the disease in the countries where it remains endemic. " href="">Read more
Rotary announces $96.5 mn to end polio While great strides were made against the paralysing disease, wild poliovirus is still a threat in parts of the world, with 10 cases in Afghanistan and three cases in Pakistan this year so far."> Rest of Rotary World Rotary announces $96.5 mn to end polio While great strides were made against the paralysing disease, wild poliovirus is still a threat in parts of the world, with 10 cases in Afghanistan and three cases in Pakistan this year so far. Aug 2018Aug 16 2018 reliefweb Afghanistan, African, nigeria, PolioPlus, poliovirus, unicef, who Viewed: 808 Rotary announces $96.5 mn to end polio While great strides were made against the paralysing disease, wild poliovirus is still a threat in parts of the world, with 10 cases in Afghanistan and three cases in Pakistan this year so far." href="">Read more
Rotary displays projects at Toronto convention House of Friendship is an important part of the 109th annual International Rotary Convention, which has drawn about 25,000 club members to the city from more than 175 countries. "> Rest of Rotary World Rotary displays projects at Toronto convention House of Friendship is an important part of the 109th annual International Rotary Convention, which has drawn about 25,000 club members to the city from more than 175 countries. Jun 2018Jun 28 2018 Muriel Draaisma, CBC Amal Alliance, Congo, House of Friendship, Kinshasa, PolioPlus, Toronto, unicef Viewed: 1,045 Rotary displays projects at Toronto convention House of Friendship is an important part of the 109th annual International Rotary Convention, which has drawn about 25,000 club members to the city from more than 175 countries. " href="">Read more
Giving back the key to a Rotary life: Riseley Like many others before him, Rotary International President joined partly for the business networks and partly for the chance to give back, and he is widely acknowledged for the latter."> Rest of Rotary World Giving back the key to a Rotary life: Riseley Like many others before him, Rotary International President joined partly for the business networks and partly for the chance to give back, and he is widely acknowledged for the latter. May 2018May 25 2018 The Sydney Morning Herald AusAID, East Timor, Ian Riseley, polio, Sandringham, unicef Viewed: 1,016 Giving back the key to a Rotary life: Riseley Like many others before him, Rotary International President joined partly for the business networks and partly for the chance to give back, and he is widely acknowledged for the latter." href="">Read more
York theatre joins Rotary in anti-polio fight The Ogunquit Playhouse has contributed over $10,000 towards this cause through Rotary Night ticket proceeds over the past six years."> Rest of Rotary World York theatre joins Rotary in anti-polio fight The Ogunquit Playhouse has contributed over $10,000 towards this cause through Rotary Night ticket proceeds over the past six years. May 2017May 25 2017 Bill and Melinda Gates, Mamma Mia, Ogunquit, playhouse, polio, Rotary Night, unicef, york Viewed: 667 York theatre joins Rotary in anti-polio fight The Ogunquit Playhouse has contributed over $10,000 towards this cause through Rotary Night ticket proceeds over the past six years." href="">Read more
Mother-daughter’s trip to India leads them to help anti-polio project In India alone, Rotary contributed $198 million. In addition, the NGO has helped raise more than $8.5 billion from governments around the world for the cause."> Polio Mother-daughter’s trip to India leads them to help anti-polio project In India alone, Rotary contributed $198 million. In addition, the NGO has helped raise more than $8.5 billion from governments around the world for the cause. May 2017 Diana Wilson, Sonoma West Times & News anti-polio, Diana Wilson, New Delhi, polio, rotary international, Sebastopol, unicef, who Viewed: 782 Mother-daughter’s trip to India leads them to help anti-polio project In India alone, Rotary contributed $198 million. In addition, the NGO has helped raise more than $8.5 billion from governments around the world for the cause." href="">Read more
Rest of Rotary World A recap on Rotary’s fight against polio Apr 2017Apr 04 2017 The Inter-Mountain Afghanistan, Elkins, immunisation, Melinda Gates, nigeria, PolioPlus, Ron LaNeve, Rotary, unicef Viewed: 1,072 Read more
We need to transform Rotary As John Germ gets ready to take on the post of RI President, he hopes to usher in new ideas and more flexibility, strengthen partnerships and pursue the goal of changing people’s lives for good."> News Post Profiles We need to transform Rotary As John Germ gets ready to take on the post of RI President, he hopes to usher in new ideas and more flexibility, strengthen partnerships and pursue the goal of changing people’s lives for good. Jun 2016Oct 06 2016 Rasheeda Bhagat aks reception, cafeteria, chattanooga, eradication, Evanston, India, john, john germ, judy, kr ravindran, national immunisation day, nigeria, one rotary centre, philippines, polio, raipur queens, RI Director, ri president, rotarian, Rotary, sunday church school, tajikistan, thanksgiving, traditional indian welcome, transform, TRF, unicef, university of tennessee, us air force, usaid, who, zone institute Viewed: 1,137 We need to transform Rotary As John Germ gets ready to take on the post of RI President, he hopes to usher in new ideas and more flexibility, strengthen partnerships and pursue the goal of changing people’s lives for good." href="">Read more