Rotary provides water to communities in Bolivia Rotary Club of Crystal-New Hope-Robbinsdale in Minnesota has sponsored a project to create farm ponds, surface wells on the banks of the Mizque River in Bolivia to alleviate drought."> Rest of Rotary World Rotary provides water to communities in Bolivia Rotary Club of Crystal-New Hope-Robbinsdale in Minnesota has sponsored a project to create farm ponds, surface wells on the banks of the Mizque River in Bolivia to alleviate drought. May 2018May 17 2018 Megan Thorstad, Sun Post Bolivia, Cochabamba, farm ponds, Mano a Mano, Mizque, Omereque Viewed: 496 Rotary provides water to communities in Bolivia Rotary Club of Crystal-New Hope-Robbinsdale in Minnesota has sponsored a project to create farm ponds, surface wells on the banks of the Mizque River in Bolivia to alleviate drought." href="">Read more
Focus on elder abuse prevention at Rotary At a weekly meet, the members of the Rotary Club of Elkins got to know the importance of caring for the elders from two guest speakers from the County."> Rest of Rotary World Focus on elder abuse prevention at Rotary At a weekly meet, the members of the Rotary Club of Elkins got to know the importance of caring for the elders from two guest speakers from the County. May 2018May 15 2018 Tim Macvean, The Inter-Mountain elders, Elkins, Lewis and Braxton, Randolph, Tucker, Upshur Viewed: 742 Focus on elder abuse prevention at Rotary At a weekly meet, the members of the Rotary Club of Elkins got to know the importance of caring for the elders from two guest speakers from the County." href="">Read more
Nigeria will become polio-free soon: Rotary A representative from RI President says at the District meet in Lagos that the clubs in Nigeria will be given both financial and moral support to eradicate the disease as soon as possible."> Rest of Rotary World Nigeria will become polio-free soon: Rotary A representative from RI President says at the District meet in Lagos that the clubs in Nigeria will be given both financial and moral support to eradicate the disease as soon as possible. May 2018May 15 2018 Olayinka Latona, Vanguard Lagos, Madison, nigeria, polio, Wisconsin Viewed: 661 Nigeria will become polio-free soon: Rotary A representative from RI President says at the District meet in Lagos that the clubs in Nigeria will be given both financial and moral support to eradicate the disease as soon as possible." href="">Read more
A decked up park entrance with big trees Rotary’s effort will be seen at the front of the park, and it will be recognised with its club symbol there along with large shade trees, benches and chairs to beautify the entry plaza."> Rest of Rotary World A decked up park entrance with big trees Rotary’s effort will be seen at the front of the park, and it will be recognised with its club symbol there along with large shade trees, benches and chairs to beautify the entry plaza. May 2018May 10 2018 David Dinell, Derby Informer Decarsky Park, Derby, Kansas Viewed: 691 A decked up park entrance with big trees Rotary’s effort will be seen at the front of the park, and it will be recognised with its club symbol there along with large shade trees, benches and chairs to beautify the entry plaza." href="">Read more
Rotary wheelchairs to mobilise needy people A club delegation will visit Mexico to assemble and donate wheelchairs. Each wheelchair costs $150 which is met through Rotary grants and fundraising events."> Rest of Rotary World Rotary wheelchairs to mobilise needy people A club delegation will visit Mexico to assemble and donate wheelchairs. Each wheelchair costs $150 which is met through Rotary grants and fundraising events. May 2018May 10 2018 Hot Springs Village Voice Arkansas, Hot Springs Village, Mexico, wheelchair Viewed: 801 Rotary wheelchairs to mobilise needy people A club delegation will visit Mexico to assemble and donate wheelchairs. Each wheelchair costs $150 which is met through Rotary grants and fundraising events." href="">Read more
A facelift to destitute home in Santa Cruz County Nearly 50 volunteers sanded and painted support pillars, benches and picnic tables. They also installed a new dining room floor and baseboards at the dining hall of the centre."> Rest of Rotary World A facelift to destitute home in Santa Cruz County Nearly 50 volunteers sanded and painted support pillars, benches and picnic tables. They also installed a new dining room floor and baseboards at the dining hall of the centre. May 2018May 10 2018 Capitola-Aptos, San Lorenzo Valley, Santa Cruz County, Scotts Valley Viewed: 616 A facelift to destitute home in Santa Cruz County Nearly 50 volunteers sanded and painted support pillars, benches and picnic tables. They also installed a new dining room floor and baseboards at the dining hall of the centre." href="">Read more
Rotary plants trees for future generations Orangeburg Parks and Recreations Director thanked Rotarians for the trees which will usher in quality life with everyone enjoying the gardens and outdoor activities. "> Rest of Rotary World Rotary plants trees for future generations Orangeburg Parks and Recreations Director thanked Rotarians for the trees which will usher in quality life with everyone enjoying the gardens and outdoor activities. May 2018May 07 2018 Christopher Huff, T&D Earth Day, Edisto Memorial Gardens, Orangeburg, Urban Pinnacle Viewed: 526 Rotary plants trees for future generations Orangeburg Parks and Recreations Director thanked Rotarians for the trees which will usher in quality life with everyone enjoying the gardens and outdoor activities. " href="">Read more