TRF nets highest rating for transparency In ratings of Charity Navigator updated in September, the Foundation earned the recognition for demonstrating strong financial health and commitment to accountability and transparency. "> Rest of Rotary World TRF nets highest rating for transparency In ratings of Charity Navigator updated in September, the Foundation earned the recognition for demonstrating strong financial health and commitment to accountability and transparency. Nov 2018Nov 30 2018 The Rotarian Charity Navigator, Oxford, Rotarians, Rotary Viewed: 734 TRF nets highest rating for transparency In ratings of Charity Navigator updated in September, the Foundation earned the recognition for demonstrating strong financial health and commitment to accountability and transparency. " href="">Read more
A special meet on Women in Rotary A Rotary meet at a public library in Alberta put the spotlight on attracting more women into its fold to expand its membership diversity and reach in the communities."> Rest of Rotary World A special meet on Women in Rotary A Rotary meet at a public library in Alberta put the spotlight on attracting more women into its fold to expand its membership diversity and reach in the communities. Apr 2018 Marni Fedeyko, Cochrane Now Alberta, Cochrane, Rotarians Viewed: 1,085 A special meet on Women in Rotary A Rotary meet at a public library in Alberta put the spotlight on attracting more women into its fold to expand its membership diversity and reach in the communities." href="">Read more
Singapore wins bid to host Rotary Convention 2024 The island-city's bid was led by Rotary regional leader Chew Ghim Bok and supported by Rotary clubs from around the Asia Pacific region with good backing from local stakeholders."> Rest of Rotary World Singapore wins bid to host Rotary Convention 2024 The island-city's bid was led by Rotary regional leader Chew Ghim Bok and supported by Rotary clubs from around the Asia Pacific region with good backing from local stakeholders. Nov 2017Nov 30 2017 Rachel Mui, The Straits Times Chew Ghim Bok, Ian Riseley, ri convention, Rotarians, Singapore Viewed: 1,714 Singapore wins bid to host Rotary Convention 2024 The island-city's bid was led by Rotary regional leader Chew Ghim Bok and supported by Rotary clubs from around the Asia Pacific region with good backing from local stakeholders." href="">Read more
COL delegates more powers to Rotary clubs The Council on Legislation (COL) has formulated new guidelines that provide flexibility and local control for the clubs in determining their membership and related policies."> Rest of Rotary World COL delegates more powers to Rotary clubs The Council on Legislation (COL) has formulated new guidelines that provide flexibility and local control for the clubs in determining their membership and related policies. Nov 2017Nov 29 2017 Daily Messenger Council on Legislation, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Ravenwood Golf Club, Rotarians, Victor-Farmington Viewed: 801 COL delegates more powers to Rotary clubs The Council on Legislation (COL) has formulated new guidelines that provide flexibility and local control for the clubs in determining their membership and related policies." href="">Read more
Rest of Rotary World Rotary exchange to India spreads friendship, understanding Mar 2017Mar 23 2017 Correne Martin, Cheryl Mader, Mary VanHout, Middleton, Prairie du Chien, Rotarians, Wisconsin Viewed: 849 Read more
Rest of Rotary World Gender equality will come only with courage: Rotarians Mar 2017 Roxanne Hooper, Langley Advance Canada, Dean Rohrs, equality, Langley, Newlands Golf, Rotarians, South Africa Viewed: 973 Read more
Rest of Rotary World Uganda seeks Rotary aid to fight malaria Mar 2017Mar 01 2017 Moses Mulondo, New Vision john germ, malaria, Rebecca Kadaga, Rotarians, Sam Owori, Uganda Viewed: 862 Read more
Post Top News Pope welcomes Rotary to Jubilee Audience Jun 2016Jun 02 2016 Ryan Hyland Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore, Be A Gift to the World, John Hewko, K. R Ravindran, Pope Francis, religion unites, Rotarians, Service Above Self, St Peter's Basilica, Vatican Viewed: 1,260 Read more
… and the children stopped dying When you have a powerful, moving story to tell, it is not difficult to raise funds for doing good projects, discovered the incoming TRF Vice Chair some twenty years ago. "> Post Profiles … and the children stopped dying When you have a powerful, moving story to tell, it is not difficult to raise funds for doing good projects, discovered the incoming TRF Vice Chair some twenty years ago. Jun 2016Jun 02 2016 Rasheeda Bhagat aks, atlanta convention, brain tumour, caribbeans, dominican republic, DRFC, fellowship, fund raiser, mali, membership falling, presidential conference, prid, raise funds, ri vice president, Rotarians, rotary events, service, steve mattson, thomas, thorfinnson, tiruchi, toilet blocks, TRF, trf chair, trf committee, trf trustee, vice chair, water projects Viewed: 915 … and the children stopped dying When you have a powerful, moving story to tell, it is not difficult to raise funds for doing good projects, discovered the incoming TRF Vice Chair some twenty years ago. " href="">Read more