Rotary donates books to elementary schools At no cost to the schools or the students, TBM Rotary is giving dictionaries since 2004 to third-grade students. The project has expanded to include thesauruses, atlases to the next grades."> Rest of Rotary World Rotary donates books to elementary schools At no cost to the schools or the students, TBM Rotary is giving dictionaries since 2004 to third-grade students. The project has expanded to include thesauruses, atlases to the next grades. Feb 2018Feb 15 2018 MacKenzie Cook, Boxford Wickedlocal Boxford, Middleton, thesauruses, Topsfield Viewed: 486 Rotary donates books to elementary schools At no cost to the schools or the students, TBM Rotary is giving dictionaries since 2004 to third-grade students. The project has expanded to include thesauruses, atlases to the next grades." href="">Read more
Rest of Rotary World Rotary exchange to India spreads friendship, understanding Mar 2017Mar 23 2017 Correne Martin, Cheryl Mader, Mary VanHout, Middleton, Prairie du Chien, Rotarians, Wisconsin Viewed: 809 Read more