Long Beach Rotary steps up to foster Literacy Youngsters are helped to read at the grade level through a Reading by 9 programme of the club which had donated a lot of books and money for the success of the project."> Rest of Rotary World Long Beach Rotary steps up to foster Literacy Youngsters are helped to read at the grade level through a Reading by 9 programme of the club which had donated a lot of books and money for the success of the project. Nov 2018Nov 01 2018 Amy Orr, The Grunion Jenny Orpeza, Literacy, Long Beach, Reading by 9 Viewed: 712 Long Beach Rotary steps up to foster Literacy Youngsters are helped to read at the grade level through a Reading by 9 programme of the club which had donated a lot of books and money for the success of the project." href="https://rotarynewsonline.org/long-beach-rotary-steps-up-to-foster-literacy/">Read more
Rotary’s reading programme pays dividends A literacy initiative in which Rotarians gave a child in Kindergarten one book to read with parents in a month is a huge success. The club members also volunteered to read with students."> Rest of Rotary World Rotary’s reading programme pays dividends A literacy initiative in which Rotarians gave a child in Kindergarten one book to read with parents in a month is a huge success. The club members also volunteered to read with students. Jun 2018Jun 13 2018 Dansvilleonline.com Corning, kindergarten, Literacy, Winsfield Viewed: 701 Rotary’s reading programme pays dividends A literacy initiative in which Rotarians gave a child in Kindergarten one book to read with parents in a month is a huge success. The club members also volunteered to read with students." href="https://rotarynewsonline.org/rotarys-reading-programme-pays-dividends/">Read more
Rotary earns kudos for gifting dictionaries to elementary schools The goal of the dictionary project is to assist students in becoming good writers, active readers, creative thinkers and resourceful learners by giving them a personal dictionary. "> Rest of Rotary World Rotary earns kudos for gifting dictionaries to elementary schools The goal of the dictionary project is to assist students in becoming good writers, active readers, creative thinkers and resourceful learners by giving them a personal dictionary. Sep 2017Sep 07 2017 The Press Brentwood, dictionary, elementary schools, Knightsen, Literacy, Oakley Viewed: 694 Rotary earns kudos for gifting dictionaries to elementary schools The goal of the dictionary project is to assist students in becoming good writers, active readers, creative thinkers and resourceful learners by giving them a personal dictionary. " href="https://rotarynewsonline.org/rotary-gifts-dictionaries-to-elementary-schools/">Read more
Club bags District Award for vocational project in local schools Rotarians visited 45 classrooms and reached out to about 900 students with an adventure tale designed to introduce Four-Way Test to the young ones."> Rest of Rotary World Club bags District Award for vocational project in local schools Rotarians visited 45 classrooms and reached out to about 900 students with an adventure tale designed to introduce Four-Way Test to the young ones. Jul 2017Jul 11 2017 The Sampson Independent Clinton City schools, Four-Way Test, Literacy, Rotarian Herbert J Taylor, Sampson County Viewed: 955 Club bags District Award for vocational project in local schools Rotarians visited 45 classrooms and reached out to about 900 students with an adventure tale designed to introduce Four-Way Test to the young ones." href="https://rotarynewsonline.org/club-bags-district-award-for-novel-literacy-project/">Read more
Nacogdoches Rotary opens mobile library for children Summer is for relaxation and a deserved break from school, but Rotarians will see to it that the learning process never gets a break."> Rest of Rotary World Nacogdoches Rotary opens mobile library for children Summer is for relaxation and a deserved break from school, but Rotarians will see to it that the learning process never gets a break. Jun 2017Jun 16 2017 Donna McCollum, multi-media journalist, ktre.com Fredonia Elementary School, Literacy, mobile library, Nacogdoches Viewed: 701 Nacogdoches Rotary opens mobile library for children Summer is for relaxation and a deserved break from school, but Rotarians will see to it that the learning process never gets a break." href="https://rotarynewsonline.org/nacogdoches-rotary-opens-mobile-library-for-children/">Read more
Rotary clubs to assist State in making schools digital The process of choosing schools will take some time but already the state education department has decided to filter out the ineligible ones."> Projects Rotary clubs to assist State in making schools digital The process of choosing schools will take some time but already the state education department has decided to filter out the ineligible ones. Apr 2017Apr 25 2017 Nagpur Today classroom, digital, education, Literacy, Maharashtra, Rotary Club, RSAS, schools, South Asia Viewed: 1,229 Rotary clubs to assist State in making schools digital The process of choosing schools will take some time but already the state education department has decided to filter out the ineligible ones." href="https://rotarynewsonline.org/rotary-clubs-to-assist-state-in-making-schools-digital/">Read more
Chris Weber is Rotary’s literacy champion He has been chairing the Literacy Committee for five years. During his tenure, Rotary has partnered with the local groups to make books available to families throughout the community."> Rest of Rotary World Chris Weber is Rotary’s literacy champion He has been chairing the Literacy Committee for five years. During his tenure, Rotary has partnered with the local groups to make books available to families throughout the community. Apr 2017 Scott Richardson, southernminn.com Chris Weber, Literacy, Northfield, PolioPlus, Rotary Club Viewed: 857 Chris Weber is Rotary’s literacy champion He has been chairing the Literacy Committee for five years. During his tenure, Rotary has partnered with the local groups to make books available to families throughout the community." href="https://rotarynewsonline.org/chris-weber-is-rotarys-literacy-champion/">Read more
Setting goals and enforcing rules At the Hyderabad meet Lakshya, RI Director Manoj Desai set goals for the DGs of 2016–17, while warning of consequences for any malfeasance."> News Post Setting goals and enforcing rules At the Hyderabad meet Lakshya, RI Director Manoj Desai set goals for the DGs of 2016–17, while warning of consequences for any malfeasance. Jun 2016Oct 06 2016 Rasheeda Bhagat aks, centennial, centennial year, dg, election, emga, end polio now, funds, gen next, governors, india's vision, International Assembly, lakshya, Literacy, rc, rotary central, rotary news trust, rpic, rrfc, san diego, think tank, TRF, winS, women in rotary Viewed: 1,382 Setting goals and enforcing rules At the Hyderabad meet Lakshya, RI Director Manoj Desai set goals for the DGs of 2016–17, while warning of consequences for any malfeasance." href="https://rotarynewsonline.org/setting-goals-enforcing-rules/">Read more