Rotary fundraiser dinner at high school Students of Wingham High School hosted the annual fundraiser of the local Rotary club which takes care of the operation cost of their school bus."> Rest of Rotary World Rotary fundraiser dinner at high school Students of Wingham High School hosted the annual fundraiser of the local Rotary club which takes care of the operation cost of their school bus. May 2019 Rotary News Australia, catering, fundraiser, PTSD, Rotary, Wingham Viewed: 1,040 Rotary fundraiser dinner at high school Students of Wingham High School hosted the annual fundraiser of the local Rotary club which takes care of the operation cost of their school bus." href="">Read more
Rotary’s book sale popular with local readers The biannual book sale is the most successful fundraiser for the Rotary Club of Brandon and displays more than 65,000 titles across genres which are available for $4 or less."> Rest of Rotary World Rotary’s book sale popular with local readers The biannual book sale is the most successful fundraiser for the Rotary Club of Brandon and displays more than 65,000 titles across genres which are available for $4 or less. Sep 2018Sep 10 2018 Christopher L Istace, Westman Journal Brandon, Canada, fundraiser, Manitoba, Special Olympics, Victoria Inn, Winnipeg Viewed: 909 Rotary’s book sale popular with local readers The biannual book sale is the most successful fundraiser for the Rotary Club of Brandon and displays more than 65,000 titles across genres which are available for $4 or less." href="">Read more
A golf fundraiser for community wellbeing There were 24 teams on the course and the Rotary club also lined up nearly four dozen sponsors for the fundraiser golf event that saw a fine exhibition of fellowship and camaraderie."> Rest of Rotary World A golf fundraiser for community wellbeing There were 24 teams on the course and the Rotary club also lined up nearly four dozen sponsors for the fundraiser golf event that saw a fine exhibition of fellowship and camaraderie. Sep 2017Sep 25 2017 Pat Donahue, Times Enterprise Country Oaks Golf, fundraiser, Thomas County, Thomasville, United Way Viewed: 655 A golf fundraiser for community wellbeing There were 24 teams on the course and the Rotary club also lined up nearly four dozen sponsors for the fundraiser golf event that saw a fine exhibition of fellowship and camaraderie." href="">Read more
Howland Rotary gets the flags out The club has started a fundraiser to get US flags in yards throughout the community. Flags are placed by the Rotary twice a year from May to July and September to November."> Rest of Rotary World Howland Rotary gets the flags out The club has started a fundraiser to get US flags in yards throughout the community. Flags are placed by the Rotary twice a year from May to July and September to November. Jul 2017Jul 03 2017 Tribune Chronicle flags, fundraiser, Howland Viewed: 1,031 Howland Rotary gets the flags out The club has started a fundraiser to get US flags in yards throughout the community. Flags are placed by the Rotary twice a year from May to July and September to November." href="">Read more
Rochester Rotary on a roll in the cause of ‘doing good’ Local club members were involved in a variety of community projects throughout the last year."> Rest of Rotary World Rochester Rotary on a roll in the cause of ‘doing good’ Local club members were involved in a variety of community projects throughout the last year. Jun 2017Jun 13 2017 Campaspe News, Riverine Herald Bryan Griffiths, fundraiser, raffle, RoCan, Rochester, Shepparton, Tramcar Restaurant Viewed: 703 Rochester Rotary on a roll in the cause of ‘doing good’ Local club members were involved in a variety of community projects throughout the last year." href="">Read more
‘Kiss the Cow’ fundraiser at Rocky Mount Rotary Funds raised will be going toward the club’s service project at LARC Baseball Field as well as other projects at Franklin County."> Rest of Rotary World ‘Kiss the Cow’ fundraiser at Rocky Mount Rotary Funds raised will be going toward the club’s service project at LARC Baseball Field as well as other projects at Franklin County. Jun 2017Jun 08 2017 The Franklin News-Post Franklin County, fundraiser, Rocky Mount, Virginia Viewed: 845 ‘Kiss the Cow’ fundraiser at Rocky Mount Rotary Funds raised will be going toward the club’s service project at LARC Baseball Field as well as other projects at Franklin County." href="">Read more
Golf Day fundraiser for critical care unit The club will host a high tea later this year with a portion of the proceeds to go towards the CCU."> Rest of Rotary World Golf Day fundraiser for critical care unit The club will host a high tea later this year with a portion of the proceeds to go towards the CCU. May 2017 Charlene Macaulay, Star Weekly Australia, fundraiser, golf day, Rober Fava, Werribee, Werribee Mercy Hospital Viewed: 601 Golf Day fundraiser for critical care unit The club will host a high tea later this year with a portion of the proceeds to go towards the CCU." href="">Read more
Cleburne Rotary hosting fish fry as fundraiser The gala also includes a raffle draw for a $2,000 Apple gift card and a 50-inch TV, bounce house, face painting for kids and live music by a rock band."> Rest of Rotary World Cleburne Rotary hosting fish fry as fundraiser The gala also includes a raffle draw for a $2,000 Apple gift card and a 50-inch TV, bounce house, face painting for kids and live music by a rock band. May 2017May 25 2017 Cleburne Times-Review Cleburne, Exit 51, fish fry, fundraiser, Renee Brockett Viewed: 630 Cleburne Rotary hosting fish fry as fundraiser The gala also includes a raffle draw for a $2,000 Apple gift card and a 50-inch TV, bounce house, face painting for kids and live music by a rock band." href="">Read more
Mercer Rotary keen to expand membership, perk up its image The club president is busy organising fundraisers and service projects that attract new members."> Rest of Rotary World Mercer Rotary keen to expand membership, perk up its image The club president is busy organising fundraisers and service projects that attract new members. May 2017 Monica Pryts, fundraiser, Katlin Bowser, Mercer, Pennsylvania Viewed: 737 Mercer Rotary keen to expand membership, perk up its image The club president is busy organising fundraisers and service projects that attract new members." href="">Read more
Bustling wine festival a success for Rotary Half of the proceeds will go towards PolioPlus programme, while the other half will be utilised for various projects of the club."> Rest of Rotary World Bustling wine festival a success for Rotary Half of the proceeds will go towards PolioPlus programme, while the other half will be utilised for various projects of the club. May 2017 Jillian Trainor, Arrow Lakes News fundraiser, Kootenays, Nakusp, Okanagan, PolioPlus, Rotor Lodge, wine Viewed: 721 Bustling wine festival a success for Rotary Half of the proceeds will go towards PolioPlus programme, while the other half will be utilised for various projects of the club." href="">Read more
Rest of Rotary World Rotary fundraiser deals winning hand Sep 2016 LARRY CAUSEY Beverly Luedke, Casino Night, fundraiser, Temple-South Viewed: 730 Read more