A Rotary fundraiser to help community heroes Over 400 people were present at the dinner-cum-auction event, the proceeds of which will go to the Boys and Girls Club and an Area Religious Council."> Rest of Rotary World A Rotary fundraiser to help community heroes Over 400 people were present at the dinner-cum-auction event, the proceeds of which will go to the Boys and Girls Club and an Area Religious Council. Oct 2018 Julie E Greene, Herald-Mail Media Batgirl, Gamora, Hagerstown, Pennsylvania, Virginia Viewed: 774 A Rotary fundraiser to help community heroes Over 400 people were present at the dinner-cum-auction event, the proceeds of which will go to the Boys and Girls Club and an Area Religious Council." href="https://rotarynewsonline.org/a-rotary-fundraiser-to-help-community-heroes/">Read more
Starflight chopper at Rotary breakfast Organised by the Rotary Club of Dunkirk-Fredonia, the Fly-In breakast event is a well-established tradition in the community and draws over 1,200 patrons annually."> Rest of Rotary World Starflight chopper at Rotary breakfast Organised by the Rotary Club of Dunkirk-Fredonia, the Fly-In breakast event is a well-established tradition in the community and draws over 1,200 patrons annually. Jul 2018Jul 02 2018 Observer Chautauqua, Dunkirk, Fredonia, Jamestown, New York, Pennsylvania, Starflight Viewed: 697 Starflight chopper at Rotary breakfast Organised by the Rotary Club of Dunkirk-Fredonia, the Fly-In breakast event is a well-established tradition in the community and draws over 1,200 patrons annually." href="https://rotarynewsonline.org/starflight-chopper-to-feature-in-rotary-fly-in-breakfast/">Read more
A passionate Rotarian gets leadership role Taking charge as the new District Governor, Judith Hughes is keen to increase the membership and has lined up a slew of project activities."> Rest of Rotary World A passionate Rotarian gets leadership role Taking charge as the new District Governor, Judith Hughes is keen to increase the membership and has lined up a slew of project activities. Jul 2017Jul 04 2017 Monica Pryts, Allied News Grove City, Pennsylvania, Slippery Rock, Sweet Jeanie's, Uganda Viewed: 729 A passionate Rotarian gets leadership role Taking charge as the new District Governor, Judith Hughes is keen to increase the membership and has lined up a slew of project activities." href="https://rotarynewsonline.org/a-passionate-rotarian-takes-leadership-role/">Read more
Mercer Rotary keen to expand membership, perk up its image The club president is busy organising fundraisers and service projects that attract new members."> Rest of Rotary World Mercer Rotary keen to expand membership, perk up its image The club president is busy organising fundraisers and service projects that attract new members. May 2017 Monica Pryts, sharonherald.com fundraiser, Katlin Bowser, Mercer, Pennsylvania Viewed: 656 Mercer Rotary keen to expand membership, perk up its image The club president is busy organising fundraisers and service projects that attract new members." href="https://rotarynewsonline.org/mercer-rotary-keen-expand-membership-perk-image/">Read more