A golf fundraiser for community wellbeing There were 24 teams on the course and the Rotary club also lined up nearly four dozen sponsors for the fundraiser golf event that saw a fine exhibition of fellowship and camaraderie."> Rest of Rotary World A golf fundraiser for community wellbeing There were 24 teams on the course and the Rotary club also lined up nearly four dozen sponsors for the fundraiser golf event that saw a fine exhibition of fellowship and camaraderie. Sep 2017Sep 25 2017 Pat Donahue, Times Enterprise Country Oaks Golf, fundraiser, Thomas County, Thomasville, United Way Viewed: 627 A golf fundraiser for community wellbeing There were 24 teams on the course and the Rotary club also lined up nearly four dozen sponsors for the fundraiser golf event that saw a fine exhibition of fellowship and camaraderie." href="https://rotarynewsonline.org/a-golf-fundraiser-for-community-well-being/">Read more
A Rotary project that makes Serbian orphans employable Local Rotarian Walter Gilbert purchased 30 computers for an orphanage in Belgrade and two foster care centres in coordination with Belgrade Rotary Club."> Rest of Rotary World A Rotary project that makes Serbian orphans employable Local Rotarian Walter Gilbert purchased 30 computers for an orphanage in Belgrade and two foster care centres in coordination with Belgrade Rotary Club. Jun 2017 Thomasville Times-Enterprise Belgrade, Nenad Sakovik, orphans, Serbia, Thomasville, Walter Gilbert Viewed: 570 A Rotary project that makes Serbian orphans employable Local Rotarian Walter Gilbert purchased 30 computers for an orphanage in Belgrade and two foster care centres in coordination with Belgrade Rotary Club." href="https://rotarynewsonline.org/a-rotary-project-that-makes-serbian-orphans-employable/">Read more