Women now outnumber men at Cessnock Rotary For the first time since the club was formed in 1937, the RC Cessnock has more women members who proved to be a boon to the organisation as they are more hardworking than men."> Rest of Rotary World Women now outnumber men at Cessnock Rotary For the first time since the club was formed in 1937, the RC Cessnock has more women members who proved to be a boon to the organisation as they are more hardworking than men. Oct 2018Oct 03 2018 Stephen Bisset, The Advertiser Australia, Cessnock, membership, New South Wales Viewed: 633 Women now outnumber men at Cessnock Rotary For the first time since the club was formed in 1937, the RC Cessnock has more women members who proved to be a boon to the organisation as they are more hardworking than men." href="https://rotarynewsonline.org/women-now-outnumber-men-at-cessnock-rotary/">Read more
Rotary Nigeria rolls out healthcare services At the installation of the new President of RC Festac Central, a series of social projects and medical service were announced for indigent families."> Rest of Rotary World Rotary Nigeria rolls out healthcare services At the installation of the new President of RC Festac Central, a series of social projects and medical service were announced for indigent families. Sep 2018Sep 27 2018 Esther Onyegbula, Vanguard Festac, fibroid, nigeria Viewed: 876 Rotary Nigeria rolls out healthcare services At the installation of the new President of RC Festac Central, a series of social projects and medical service were announced for indigent families." href="https://rotarynewsonline.org/rotary-rolls-outs-healthcare-services-in-nigeria/">Read more
Rotary hosts successful Country Fair After a few years of wet and rainy weather when the fair was held in the month of October, the Rotary committee moved the event to September last year which paid them dividends."> Rest of Rotary World Rotary hosts successful Country Fair After a few years of wet and rainy weather when the fair was held in the month of October, the Rotary committee moved the event to September last year which paid them dividends. Sep 2018Sep 26 2018 Chris Manderioli, TapintoRandolph Alfa Bagels, Country Fair, Randolph, Yard Sale Viewed: 563 Rotary hosts successful Country Fair After a few years of wet and rainy weather when the fair was held in the month of October, the Rotary committee moved the event to September last year which paid them dividends." href="https://rotarynewsonline.org/randolph-rotary-hosts-successful-country-fair/">Read more
A club’s youngest president lists service goals Rotary Club of Joondalup will focus on youth exchange, beach clean-up and take up issues related to homelessness in this year, besides inducting new members to support projects."> Rest of Rotary World A club’s youngest president lists service goals Rotary Club of Joondalup will focus on youth exchange, beach clean-up and take up issues related to homelessness in this year, besides inducting new members to support projects. Sep 2018Sep 27 2018 Lucy Jarvis, Joondalup Times Connolly, Joondalup, Mullaloo Beach, Perth, youth exchange Viewed: 611 A club’s youngest president lists service goals Rotary Club of Joondalup will focus on youth exchange, beach clean-up and take up issues related to homelessness in this year, besides inducting new members to support projects." href="https://rotarynewsonline.org/a-clubs-youngest-president-lists-service-goals/">Read more
Portsmouth Rotary plans mission to Bangladesh Rotarians are in the final stages of planning a Rotaplast mission to Bangladesh which will have multidisciplinary teams to provide free reconstructive surgery and care for children."> Rest of Rotary World Portsmouth Rotary plans mission to Bangladesh Rotarians are in the final stages of planning a Rotaplast mission to Bangladesh which will have multidisciplinary teams to provide free reconstructive surgery and care for children. Sep 2018Sep 24 2018 Seacoastonline.com Bangladesh, cleft lip, cleft palate, facial surgery, Portsmouth, reconstructive, Rotaplast Viewed: 553 Portsmouth Rotary plans mission to Bangladesh Rotarians are in the final stages of planning a Rotaplast mission to Bangladesh which will have multidisciplinary teams to provide free reconstructive surgery and care for children." href="https://rotarynewsonline.org/portsmouth-rotary-plans-mission-to-bangladesh/">Read more
New club will offer second Rotary option The proposed second club will help the parent club with its major events while carrying out smaller projects in its first year and its meetings will be flexible for the residents."> Rest of Rotary World New club will offer second Rotary option The proposed second club will help the parent club with its major events while carrying out smaller projects in its first year and its meetings will be flexible for the residents. Sep 2018Sep 20 2018 Ben Sherick, Airdrie City View Airdrie, Alberta, Calgary, Fitzsimmons Viewed: 705 New club will offer second Rotary option The proposed second club will help the parent club with its major events while carrying out smaller projects in its first year and its meetings will be flexible for the residents." href="https://rotarynewsonline.org/new-club-will-offer-second-rotary-option/">Read more
Rotary International’s final battle against polio The global organisation recently made another serious move to end polio, awarding nearly $100 million in grants to eradicate the disease in the countries where it remains endemic. "> Rest of Rotary World Rotary International’s final battle against polio The global organisation recently made another serious move to end polio, awarding nearly $100 million in grants to eradicate the disease in the countries where it remains endemic. Sep 2018Sep 20 2018 Alice Dickow, Inside Philanthrophy 3-H, Bill Gates Foundation, nigeria, Pakistan, polio, unicef Viewed: 1,089 Rotary International’s final battle against polio The global organisation recently made another serious move to end polio, awarding nearly $100 million in grants to eradicate the disease in the countries where it remains endemic. " href="https://rotarynewsonline.org/rotary-hangs-in-to-eradicate-polio-once-and-for-all/">Read more
Diamond prize at a Rotary gala During the Diamonds and Denim fundraiser for the healthcare project, Champagne glasses can be purchased at $50 with the chance of winning a one-carat diamond valued at $6,000."> Rest of Rotary World Diamond prize at a Rotary gala During the Diamonds and Denim fundraiser for the healthcare project, Champagne glasses can be purchased at $50 with the chance of winning a one-carat diamond valued at $6,000. Sep 2018Sep 17 2018 Petoskeynews.com Bay Harbor, Burnt Marshmellow, McLaren, Michigan, Petoskey, Reusch Jewelers Viewed: 586 Diamond prize at a Rotary gala During the Diamonds and Denim fundraiser for the healthcare project, Champagne glasses can be purchased at $50 with the chance of winning a one-carat diamond valued at $6,000." href="https://rotarynewsonline.org/diamond-prize-at-a-rotary-gala/">Read more
Great Falls Rotary gears up for Oktoberfest The Interact members will decorate River Bend with ‘Bavarian’ motifs to make the event look authentic as the club is looking forward to surpass last year collection of $20,000-$25,000. "> Rest of Rotary World Great Falls Rotary gears up for Oktoberfest The Interact members will decorate River Bend with ‘Bavarian’ motifs to make the event look authentic as the club is looking forward to surpass last year collection of $20,000-$25,000. Sep 2018Sep 14 2018 Adrienne West, The Connection Bavaria, Great Falls, Indiana, Munich, Oktoberfest, Prince Ludwig, River Bend Viewed: 561 Great Falls Rotary gears up for Oktoberfest The Interact members will decorate River Bend with ‘Bavarian’ motifs to make the event look authentic as the club is looking forward to surpass last year collection of $20,000-$25,000. " href="https://rotarynewsonline.org/great-falls-rotary-gears-up-for-oktoberfest/">Read more
A backpack project offers nutritious food to children An annual campaign provides at-risk students and their siblings with a package of balanced food in the weekend so that they come back to school refreshed and in right mood to learn."> Rest of Rotary World A backpack project offers nutritious food to children An annual campaign provides at-risk students and their siblings with a package of balanced food in the weekend so that they come back to school refreshed and in right mood to learn. Sep 2018Sep 11 2018 Grace Kennedy, Peace Arch News Abbotsford, British Columbia, Deltassist, North Delta, Starfish Backpack Viewed: 708 A backpack project offers nutritious food to children An annual campaign provides at-risk students and their siblings with a package of balanced food in the weekend so that they come back to school refreshed and in right mood to learn." href="https://rotarynewsonline.org/a-backpack-project-offers-nutritious-food-to-kids/">Read more
Impact of first Rotary club project still resonates Rotarians look back at their maiden project, the Rotary International Study Centre built in 1973 to accommodate foreign students, thus providing to be a melting pot of different cultures."> Rest of Rotary World Impact of first Rotary club project still resonates Rotarians look back at their maiden project, the Rotary International Study Centre built in 1973 to accommodate foreign students, thus providing to be a melting pot of different cultures. Sep 2018Sep 10 2018 Frank Deaver, The Tuscaloosa News Alabama, study centre, Tuscaloosa Viewed: 676 Impact of first Rotary club project still resonates Rotarians look back at their maiden project, the Rotary International Study Centre built in 1973 to accommodate foreign students, thus providing to be a melting pot of different cultures." href="https://rotarynewsonline.org/impact-of-first-rotary-club-project-still-resonates/">Read more