Rotary provides 26 years of mobility support in Africa Thanks to a successful partnership with RC Rushmoor, UK, the Rotary Club of Northcliff in Zambia has been distributing wheelchairs to the disabled in the neighbouring countries.

Rotary provides 26 years of mobility support in Africa Thanks to a successful partnership with RC Rushmoor, UK, the Rotary Club of Northcliff in Zambia has been distributing wheelchairs to the disabled in the neighbouring countries." href="">Read more

Rotary t-shirts for African explorers The 38-member expedition team from Fairfax Academy will be travelling across Namibia, Botswana and Zimbabwe sporting a personalised t-shirt designed by RC Wylde Green.

Rotary t-shirts for African explorers The 38-member expedition team from Fairfax Academy will be travelling across Namibia, Botswana and Zimbabwe sporting a personalised t-shirt designed by RC Wylde Green." href="">Read more

Rotary containers to Zimbabwean village A Rotary club in Newfoundland, Canada, has adopted a remote village in Zimbabwe and has been sending containers with relief missions providing a range of supplies to the villagers.

Rotary containers to Zimbabwean village A Rotary club in Newfoundland, Canada, has adopted a remote village in Zimbabwe and has been sending containers with relief missions providing a range of supplies to the villagers." href="">Read more

St John’s Rotary Clubs deliver aid to Zimbabwe The clubs in Canada have been providing livelihood support to Tshelanyemba for decades by filling a 40-foot shipping container with household goods.

St John’s Rotary Clubs deliver aid to Zimbabwe The clubs in Canada have been providing livelihood support to Tshelanyemba for decades by filling a 40-foot shipping container with household goods." href="">Read more
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