Rotary containers to Zimbabwean village A Rotary club in Newfoundland, Canada, has adopted a remote village in Zimbabwe and has been sending containers with relief missions providing a range of supplies to the villagers."> Rest of Rotary World Rotary containers to Zimbabwean village A Rotary club in Newfoundland, Canada, has adopted a remote village in Zimbabwe and has been sending containers with relief missions providing a range of supplies to the villagers. Jun 2018Jun 19 2018 Barb Sweet, The Telegram Johannesburg, Mazwi, Newfoundland, Tshelanyemba, Wolseley, Zimbabwe Viewed: 702 Rotary containers to Zimbabwean village A Rotary club in Newfoundland, Canada, has adopted a remote village in Zimbabwe and has been sending containers with relief missions providing a range of supplies to the villagers." href="">Read more