Rotary picnic salutes youth exchange programme District Governor Mike Slovak presented a scholarship award and a special recognition for meritorious service to RYE programme for developing goodwill and friendship across the world. "> Rest of Rotary World Rotary picnic salutes youth exchange programme District Governor Mike Slovak presented a scholarship award and a special recognition for meritorious service to RYE programme for developing goodwill and friendship across the world. Jul 2018Jul 25 2018 Bloomfield, Latvia, Rochester, Rotex, Victor-Farmington, youth exchange Viewed: 841 Rotary picnic salutes youth exchange programme District Governor Mike Slovak presented a scholarship award and a special recognition for meritorious service to RYE programme for developing goodwill and friendship across the world. " href="">Read more
Rotary club hosts Taste of the Finger Lakes A large crowd enjoyed food samples from local vendors and tastings from local breweries, while the guests bid on useful items donated by local merchants. "> Rest of Rotary World Rotary club hosts Taste of the Finger Lakes A large crowd enjoyed food samples from local vendors and tastings from local breweries, while the guests bid on useful items donated by local merchants. Apr 2018 Messenger Post Media Canandaigua, Fairport, Newark, Pittsford, Ravenwood, Red Jacket, Taste of the Finger Lakes, Victor-Farmington, Waterloo Viewed: 725 Rotary club hosts Taste of the Finger Lakes A large crowd enjoyed food samples from local vendors and tastings from local breweries, while the guests bid on useful items donated by local merchants. " href="">Read more
Nicaraguans benefit from Rotary projects The La Palma Water Project costing $65,000 provides clean water to the small village in north central Nicaragua which has a deep well, but does not have a distribution system. "> Rest of Rotary World Nicaraguans benefit from Rotary projects The La Palma Water Project costing $65,000 provides clean water to the small village in north central Nicaragua which has a deep well, but does not have a distribution system. Dec 2017Dec 08 2017 Messenger Post Media Asuncion, El Sauce, La Palma, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Victor-Farmington Viewed: 1,014 Nicaraguans benefit from Rotary projects The La Palma Water Project costing $65,000 provides clean water to the small village in north central Nicaragua which has a deep well, but does not have a distribution system. " href="">Read more
COL delegates more powers to Rotary clubs The Council on Legislation (COL) has formulated new guidelines that provide flexibility and local control for the clubs in determining their membership and related policies."> Rest of Rotary World COL delegates more powers to Rotary clubs The Council on Legislation (COL) has formulated new guidelines that provide flexibility and local control for the clubs in determining their membership and related policies. Nov 2017Nov 29 2017 Daily Messenger Council on Legislation, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Ravenwood Golf Club, Rotarians, Victor-Farmington Viewed: 822 COL delegates more powers to Rotary clubs The Council on Legislation (COL) has formulated new guidelines that provide flexibility and local control for the clubs in determining their membership and related policies." href="">Read more
Rotary exchange student showcases India Victor-Farmington Rotary Club is hosting Guarev Revankar from India. He is attending Victor Senior High School and made a presentation to the club about his home country."> Rest of Rotary World Rotary exchange student showcases India Victor-Farmington Rotary Club is hosting Guarev Revankar from India. He is attending Victor Senior High School and made a presentation to the club about his home country. May 2017 Messenger Post Media Carli Vanmaaren, Denmark, Guarev Revankar, Rotary Club, Victor-Farmington, viking, vinterbadning, youth exchange Viewed: 919 Rotary exchange student showcases India Victor-Farmington Rotary Club is hosting Guarev Revankar from India. He is attending Victor Senior High School and made a presentation to the club about his home country." href="">Read more
Rotary club hosts Taste of the Finger Lakes Nearly 400 Rotarians took part in the event featuring presentations by district leaders that encouraged members to continue their efforts to serve humanity."> Rest of Rotary World Rotary club hosts Taste of the Finger Lakes Nearly 400 Rotarians took part in the event featuring presentations by district leaders that encouraged members to continue their efforts to serve humanity. Apr 2017Apr 17 2017 Messenger Post Media Finger Lakes, Newark High School, Ravenwood, Rotary Club, Victor-Farmington Viewed: 805 Rotary club hosts Taste of the Finger Lakes Nearly 400 Rotarians took part in the event featuring presentations by district leaders that encouraged members to continue their efforts to serve humanity." href="">Read more