Rotary boost to primary school in Kenya Following its adoption by Rotary 10 years ago, the primary school had seen a rush of applicants for its kindergarten classes which are being expanded to accommodate more pupils."> Rest of Rotary World Rotary boost to primary school in Kenya Following its adoption by Rotary 10 years ago, the primary school had seen a rush of applicants for its kindergarten classes which are being expanded to accommodate more pupils. Aug 2018Aug 22 2018 North Jersey Record Bees Abroad, Kenya, Kishermoruak, Maywood, New Jersey, Ridgewood Viewed: 766 Rotary boost to primary school in Kenya Following its adoption by Rotary 10 years ago, the primary school had seen a rush of applicants for its kindergarten classes which are being expanded to accommodate more pupils." href="">Read more
Community activist sworn in as Club President The new Club President was inducted into the West Orange Rotary in 2010 and is active in several committees and fundraisers, apart from taking part in community projects."> Rest of Rotary World Community activist sworn in as Club President The new Club President was inducted into the West Orange Rotary in 2010 and is active in several committees and fundraisers, apart from taking part in community projects. Jul 2018Jul 10 2018 Tapinto West Orange Hazel School, Mayfair Farms, New Jersey, West Orange Viewed: 745 Community activist sworn in as Club President The new Club President was inducted into the West Orange Rotary in 2010 and is active in several committees and fundraisers, apart from taking part in community projects." href="">Read more
Fighting hunger with community strength End Hunger 3.6 Project is an initiative of the Rotary clubs in Madison which package and distribute meals with an army of volunteers for people suffering from food insecurity."> Rest of Rotary World Fighting hunger with community strength End Hunger 3.6 Project is an initiative of the Rotary clubs in Madison which package and distribute meals with an army of volunteers for people suffering from food insecurity. Mar 2018Mar 22 2018 Mark Di Ionno, Chatham, Drew University, Essex, Madison, malnourished, New Jersey, Salvation Army Viewed: 783 Fighting hunger with community strength End Hunger 3.6 Project is an initiative of the Rotary clubs in Madison which package and distribute meals with an army of volunteers for people suffering from food insecurity." href="">Read more
Madison Rotary to hold food packaging event In Rotary District 7470, which encompasses five counties in north central New Jersey, US, it is estimated that over 200,000 men, women and children are food insecure."> Rest of Rotary World Madison Rotary to hold food packaging event In Rotary District 7470, which encompasses five counties in north central New Jersey, US, it is estimated that over 200,000 men, women and children are food insecure. Jan 2018Jan 22 2018 Tapinto Madison hunger, Madison, Medicaid, Medicare, New Jersey Viewed: 820 Madison Rotary to hold food packaging event In Rotary District 7470, which encompasses five counties in north central New Jersey, US, it is estimated that over 200,000 men, women and children are food insecure." href="">Read more
Happy Hour for Charity at South Orange Rotary The club honoured Children's Emergency Medical Fund of New Jersey (CEMFNJ) which offers critical medical services to chronically-ill children."> Rest of Rotary World Happy Hour for Charity at South Orange Rotary The club honoured Children's Emergency Medical Fund of New Jersey (CEMFNJ) which offers critical medical services to chronically-ill children. Jul 2017Jul 17 2017 Fred Smith, TAP into SOMA CEMFNJ, Happy Hour, medical care, New Jersey, South Orange Viewed: 757 Happy Hour for Charity at South Orange Rotary The club honoured Children's Emergency Medical Fund of New Jersey (CEMFNJ) which offers critical medical services to chronically-ill children." href="">Read more
Post TRF Start planning for the TRF centennial Jun 2016Oct 06 2016 The Rotarian Doing Good in the World, Foundation100, International Assembly, New Jersey, San Deigo, TRF Viewed: 1,032 Read more