Rotary t-shirts for African explorers The 38-member expedition team from Fairfax Academy will be travelling across Namibia, Botswana and Zimbabwe sporting a personalised t-shirt designed by RC Wylde Green."> Rest of Rotary World Rotary t-shirts for African explorers The 38-member expedition team from Fairfax Academy will be travelling across Namibia, Botswana and Zimbabwe sporting a personalised t-shirt designed by RC Wylde Green. Jul 2018Jul 12 2018 Royal Sutton News Botswana, Fairfax Academy, Nambotzia, Namibia, Victoria Falls, Wylde Green, Zimbabwe Viewed: 676 Rotary t-shirts for African explorers The 38-member expedition team from Fairfax Academy will be travelling across Namibia, Botswana and Zimbabwe sporting a personalised t-shirt designed by RC Wylde Green." href="">Read more