Giving back the key to a Rotary life: Riseley Like many others before him, Rotary International President joined partly for the business networks and partly for the chance to give back, and he is widely acknowledged for the latter."> Rest of Rotary World Giving back the key to a Rotary life: Riseley Like many others before him, Rotary International President joined partly for the business networks and partly for the chance to give back, and he is widely acknowledged for the latter. May 2018May 25 2018 The Sydney Morning Herald AusAID, East Timor, Ian Riseley, polio, Sandringham, unicef Viewed: 1,001 Giving back the key to a Rotary life: Riseley Like many others before him, Rotary International President joined partly for the business networks and partly for the chance to give back, and he is widely acknowledged for the latter." href="">Read more
Sustainable service is our goal: Ian Riseley RI President and his wife Juliet, a PDG, are both enthused about addressing 253 Rotary Presidents-elect at a 2-day training programme organised by District 9940, New Zealand."> Rest of Rotary World Sustainable service is our goal: Ian Riseley RI President and his wife Juliet, a PDG, are both enthused about addressing 253 Rotary Presidents-elect at a 2-day training programme organised by District 9940, New Zealand. Mar 2018Mar 09 2018 Farida Master, Times Online Ian Riseley, Moorooduc, New Zealand, Sandringham, Waipuna Viewed: 896 Sustainable service is our goal: Ian Riseley RI President and his wife Juliet, a PDG, are both enthused about addressing 253 Rotary Presidents-elect at a 2-day training programme organised by District 9940, New Zealand." href="">Read more
Singapore wins bid to host Rotary Convention 2024 The island-city's bid was led by Rotary regional leader Chew Ghim Bok and supported by Rotary clubs from around the Asia Pacific region with good backing from local stakeholders."> Rest of Rotary World Singapore wins bid to host Rotary Convention 2024 The island-city's bid was led by Rotary regional leader Chew Ghim Bok and supported by Rotary clubs from around the Asia Pacific region with good backing from local stakeholders. Nov 2017Nov 30 2017 Rachel Mui, The Straits Times Chew Ghim Bok, Ian Riseley, ri convention, Rotarians, Singapore Viewed: 1,743 Singapore wins bid to host Rotary Convention 2024 The island-city's bid was led by Rotary regional leader Chew Ghim Bok and supported by Rotary clubs from around the Asia Pacific region with good backing from local stakeholders." href="">Read more
Rotary clubs plant trees along with community A group of South Side Rotarians, city employees and students from an Interact club planted 75 trees with saplings donated by Forest ReLeaf, a community-assisted tree nursery in St Louis."> Rest of Rotary World Rotary clubs plant trees along with community A group of South Side Rotarians, city employees and students from an Interact club planted 75 trees with saplings donated by Forest ReLeaf, a community-assisted tree nursery in St Louis. Oct 2017Oct 23 2017 Nathan Ellgren / News-Press Now Benton High School, Forest ReLeaf, Hyde Park, Ian Riseley, Missouri, South Side Rotary, St Joseph Viewed: 1,268 Rotary clubs plant trees along with community A group of South Side Rotarians, city employees and students from an Interact club planted 75 trees with saplings donated by Forest ReLeaf, a community-assisted tree nursery in St Louis." href="">Read more
Keep up the good work, Riseley pats Rotarians During a visit to Prince Edward Island in Canada, RI President says people join the organisation because they want to help the society both locally and globally, apart from fellowship."> Rest of Rotary World Keep up the good work, Riseley pats Rotarians During a visit to Prince Edward Island in Canada, RI President says people join the organisation because they want to help the society both locally and globally, apart from fellowship. Oct 2017Oct 04 2017 Jim Day, The Guardian Camp Gencheff, Charlottetown, Ian Riseley, Prince Edward Island, Sandringham Viewed: 733 Keep up the good work, Riseley pats Rotarians During a visit to Prince Edward Island in Canada, RI President says people join the organisation because they want to help the society both locally and globally, apart from fellowship." href="">Read more
Rotary club to build gazebo to mark its centennial The Rotary Club of Saskatoon has long helped raise money for charities and started community initiatives, including a recent one to help counter bullying in schools."> Rest of Rotary World Rotary club to build gazebo to mark its centennial The Rotary Club of Saskatoon has long helped raise money for charities and started community initiatives, including a recent one to help counter bullying in schools. Aug 2017Aug 16 2017 Matthew Olson, The Star Phoenix Canada, gazebo, Ian Riseley, pavilion, Saskatoon Viewed: 840 Rotary club to build gazebo to mark its centennial The Rotary Club of Saskatoon has long helped raise money for charities and started community initiatives, including a recent one to help counter bullying in schools." href="">Read more
Rotary President to visit Port Macquarie projects Riseley will inspect a number of projects like Towers of Strength, Tacking Point and Rotary Lodge serving the community during his stopover."> Rest of Rotary World Rotary President to visit Port Macquarie projects Riseley will inspect a number of projects like Towers of Strength, Tacking Point and Rotary Lodge serving the community during his stopover. Aug 2017Sep 25 2017 Macquarie Port News Ian Riseley, Port Macquarie, Rotary Lodge, Tacking Point, Towers of Strength, Town Beach Viewed: 855 Rotary President to visit Port Macquarie projects Riseley will inspect a number of projects like Towers of Strength, Tacking Point and Rotary Lodge serving the community during his stopover." href="">Read more
Rotary memorial for Sam Owori He was in August 2016 nominated to head Rotary as president for 2018-19 and was expected to be installed in Canada in June next year."> Rest of Rotary World Rotary memorial for Sam Owori He was in August 2016 nominated to head Rotary as president for 2018-19 and was expected to be installed in Canada in June next year. Jul 2017Jul 18 2017 Umaru Kashaka, New Vision Ian Riseley, Norah Owori, rotary international, Sam Owori Viewed: 889 Rotary memorial for Sam Owori He was in August 2016 nominated to head Rotary as president for 2018-19 and was expected to be installed in Canada in June next year." href="">Read more
Riseley set to lead Rotary to newer heights This is only the fifth year in the 112-year history of Rotary International that there has been an Australian president elected."> Rest of Rotary World Riseley set to lead Rotary to newer heights This is only the fifth year in the 112-year history of Rotary International that there has been an Australian president elected. May 2017May 08 2017 South Coast Register Australia, Canberra, Ian Riseley, Rotary, Sandringham, Shoalhaven, Steve Hill Viewed: 890 Riseley set to lead Rotary to newer heights This is only the fifth year in the 112-year history of Rotary International that there has been an Australian president elected." href="">Read more
RI President Elect Ian Riseley makes historic visit to Montserrat For the first time in the history of Rotary International, an incoming president has visited the island of Montserrat."> Rest of Rotary World RI President Elect Ian Riseley makes historic visit to Montserrat For the first time in the history of Rotary International, an incoming president has visited the island of Montserrat. Nov 2016Nov 24 2016 Ian Riseley, Montserrat, Paul Lewis, Rotary Viewed: 843 RI President Elect Ian Riseley makes historic visit to Montserrat For the first time in the history of Rotary International, an incoming president has visited the island of Montserrat." href="">Read more