Rotary clubs plant trees along with community A group of South Side Rotarians, city employees and students from an Interact club planted 75 trees with saplings donated by Forest ReLeaf, a community-assisted tree nursery in St Louis."> Rest of Rotary World Rotary clubs plant trees along with community A group of South Side Rotarians, city employees and students from an Interact club planted 75 trees with saplings donated by Forest ReLeaf, a community-assisted tree nursery in St Louis. Oct 2017Oct 23 2017 Nathan Ellgren / News-Press Now Benton High School, Forest ReLeaf, Hyde Park, Ian Riseley, Missouri, South Side Rotary, St Joseph Viewed: 1,180 Rotary clubs plant trees along with community A group of South Side Rotarians, city employees and students from an Interact club planted 75 trees with saplings donated by Forest ReLeaf, a community-assisted tree nursery in St Louis." href="">Read more