Rotary digs deep for primary school garden The club announced its school donation as part of the $40,000 it distributed to community projects last year."> Rest of Rotary World Rotary digs deep for primary school garden The club announced its school donation as part of the $40,000 it distributed to community projects last year. Jun 2017 Suzanne Hewitt, Leader Community News Broadmeadows, garden, Meadows Primary School, vegetables Viewed: 551 Rotary digs deep for primary school garden The club announced its school donation as part of the $40,000 it distributed to community projects last year." href="">Read more
New Rotary Club President thanks the man she once was Monica Mulholland hit the national headlines in May when she was nominated as the club's president-elect, two months after coming out as a woman."> Rest of Rotary World New Rotary Club President thanks the man she once was Monica Mulholland hit the national headlines in May when she was nominated as the club's president-elect, two months after coming out as a woman. Jun 2017Jun 29 2017 Mountain Scene / Avonhead, Monica Mulholland, New Zealand, Queenstown, transgender Viewed: 748 New Rotary Club President thanks the man she once was Monica Mulholland hit the national headlines in May when she was nominated as the club's president-elect, two months after coming out as a woman." href="">Read more
Rotary donates gazebo, boardwalk to Tuscora Park The 140-foot-long boardwalk and 34-foot-wide gazebo are gifts to the city of New Philadelphia on the occasion of the club's centennial."> Rest of Rotary World Rotary donates gazebo, boardwalk to Tuscora Park The 140-foot-long boardwalk and 34-foot-wide gazebo are gifts to the city of New Philadelphia on the occasion of the club's centennial. Jun 2017 Nancy Molnar, The Times-Reporter gazebo, New Philadelphia, Tuscora Park, waterfront Viewed: 527 Rotary donates gazebo, boardwalk to Tuscora Park The 140-foot-long boardwalk and 34-foot-wide gazebo are gifts to the city of New Philadelphia on the occasion of the club's centennial." href="">Read more
A Rotary project that makes Serbian orphans employable Local Rotarian Walter Gilbert purchased 30 computers for an orphanage in Belgrade and two foster care centres in coordination with Belgrade Rotary Club."> Rest of Rotary World A Rotary project that makes Serbian orphans employable Local Rotarian Walter Gilbert purchased 30 computers for an orphanage in Belgrade and two foster care centres in coordination with Belgrade Rotary Club. Jun 2017 Thomasville Times-Enterprise Belgrade, Nenad Sakovik, orphans, Serbia, Thomasville, Walter Gilbert Viewed: 535 A Rotary project that makes Serbian orphans employable Local Rotarian Walter Gilbert purchased 30 computers for an orphanage in Belgrade and two foster care centres in coordination with Belgrade Rotary Club." href="">Read more
Grand opening for Rotary Eco-Trail The environment project involved the moving of more than 40 fallen trees, while taking care to minimise the impact on the ecosystem."> Rest of Rotary World Grand opening for Rotary Eco-Trail The environment project involved the moving of more than 40 fallen trees, while taking care to minimise the impact on the ecosystem. Jun 2017Jun 28 2017 Trevor Terfloth, Chatham Daily News Canada, Chatham, Lower Thames Valley, Midwood Oxley, Ontario, Robbins Amazing Art Viewed: 650 Grand opening for Rotary Eco-Trail The environment project involved the moving of more than 40 fallen trees, while taking care to minimise the impact on the ecosystem." href="">Read more
Dearborn Heights Rotary installs Little Free Libraries at elementary schools Libraries were installed before classes ended for the summer so that children would take advantage of the free books to hone their reading skills."> Rest of Rotary World Dearborn Heights Rotary installs Little Free Libraries at elementary schools Libraries were installed before classes ended for the summer so that children would take advantage of the free books to hone their reading skills. Jun 2017Jun 27 2017 Andrea Blum, Press & Guide Bedford, Dearbon Heights, Ford-Tel Marathon, Little Free Library, Pardee, Polk Viewed: 503 Dearborn Heights Rotary installs Little Free Libraries at elementary schools Libraries were installed before classes ended for the summer so that children would take advantage of the free books to hone their reading skills." href="">Read more
Rotary club donates to city of Fort St John for park upgrade The funds were raised from many sources including proceeds from the Mega Lottery, Drive-Thru breakfast and a golf tournament."> Rest of Rotary World Rotary club donates to city of Fort St John for park upgrade The funds were raised from many sources including proceeds from the Mega Lottery, Drive-Thru breakfast and a golf tournament. Jun 2017Jun 27 2017 Jessica Fedigan, Energetic City Canada, Fort St John, Memory Bricks, Moose FM, Spray Park Viewed: 598 Rotary club donates to city of Fort St John for park upgrade The funds were raised from many sources including proceeds from the Mega Lottery, Drive-Thru breakfast and a golf tournament." href="">Read more
Brownwood students narrate RYLA experience at club meet Local clubs provide funds for students to attend the RYLA camps which are divided into families consisting of diverse people for social interaction and learning."> Rest of Rotary World Brownwood students narrate RYLA experience at club meet Local clubs provide funds for students to attend the RYLA camps which are divided into families consisting of diverse people for social interaction and learning. Jun 2017Jun 26 2017 Steve Nash, Brownwood Bulletin Brownwood, Denton, Four-Way Test, leadership, RYLA, Texas Viewed: 614 Brownwood students narrate RYLA experience at club meet Local clubs provide funds for students to attend the RYLA camps which are divided into families consisting of diverse people for social interaction and learning." href="">Read more
Rotary’s Outdoor Day draws Milford locals for a fun weekend Despite a rainstorm in the morning, a good number of people attended the free event which took place at the town’s Plains Park."> Rest of Rotary World Rotary’s Outdoor Day draws Milford locals for a fun weekend Despite a rainstorm in the morning, a good number of people attended the free event which took place at the town’s Plains Park. Jun 2017Jun 26 2017 Mike Gleason, Milford Daily News fishing derby, Milford, Outdoor Day, Plains Park, scavenger hunt Viewed: 529 Rotary’s Outdoor Day draws Milford locals for a fun weekend Despite a rainstorm in the morning, a good number of people attended the free event which took place at the town’s Plains Park." href="">Read more
Rotary funded play equipment add value to village park in New York Over the years, Rotary has committed hundreds of thousands of dollars to making the park what it is today, as a showcase of community gathering."> Rest of Rotary World Rotary funded play equipment add value to village park in New York Over the years, Rotary has committed hundreds of thousands of dollars to making the park what it is today, as a showcase of community gathering. Jun 2017Jun 23 2017 Joe Leathersich, The Daily News Bears Playground, Perry, playground, Rick Hauser, Swiss Tree Fort Village Viewed: 596 Rotary funded play equipment add value to village park in New York Over the years, Rotary has committed hundreds of thousands of dollars to making the park what it is today, as a showcase of community gathering." href="">Read more
Rotarians share their Atlanta meet experience with club members Dottie Wamsley and Bonnie Branciaroli from RC Elkins recount the major highlights of Rotary International's annual convention."> Rest of Rotary World Rotarians share their Atlanta meet experience with club members Dottie Wamsley and Bonnie Branciaroli from RC Elkins recount the major highlights of Rotary International's annual convention. Jun 2017Jun 22 2017 Beth Henry-Vance, The Inter-Mountain Atlanta, Bill Gates, convention, Dottie Wamsley, Elkins, john germ, Rotary Clubs, rotary international Viewed: 750 Rotarians share their Atlanta meet experience with club members Dottie Wamsley and Bonnie Branciaroli from RC Elkins recount the major highlights of Rotary International's annual convention." href="">Read more