Rotary extends assistance to Aussie farmers A cluster of Rotary clubs in New South Wales join hands to deliver a series of financial aids to farmers in the form of vouchers, prepaid cards and other relief kits to tide over the crisis."> Rest of Rotary World Rotary extends assistance to Aussie farmers A cluster of Rotary clubs in New South Wales join hands to deliver a series of financial aids to farmers in the form of vouchers, prepaid cards and other relief kits to tide over the crisis. Mar 2019Mar 15 2019 The Northern Daily Leader Calala, drought, farmers, Manilla, Quirindi, Tamworth Viewed: 643 Rotary extends assistance to Aussie farmers A cluster of Rotary clubs in New South Wales join hands to deliver a series of financial aids to farmers in the form of vouchers, prepaid cards and other relief kits to tide over the crisis." href="">Read more
A club elects youngest ever president Rotary Club of Tamworth has raised hundreds of thousands of pounds for charity since it first started over 70 years ago and the group shows no sign of slowing down in that respect."> Rest of Rotary World A club elects youngest ever president Rotary Club of Tamworth has raised hundreds of thousands of pounds for charity since it first started over 70 years ago and the group shows no sign of slowing down in that respect. Nov 2018Nov 14 2018 Tamworth Informed Drayton, Lichfield, Tamworth Viewed: 853 A club elects youngest ever president Rotary Club of Tamworth has raised hundreds of thousands of pounds for charity since it first started over 70 years ago and the group shows no sign of slowing down in that respect." href="">Read more