Rotary announces $100 million to eradicate polio The funding comes as Rotary and its partners in the GPEI address the most pressing challenges to ending poliovirus transmission in vulnerable pockets of the world."> Rest of Rotary World Rotary announces $100 million to eradicate polio The funding comes as Rotary and its partners in the GPEI address the most pressing challenges to ending poliovirus transmission in vulnerable pockets of the world. Jun 2019Jun 11 2019 Gates Foundation, GPEI, nigeria, Pakistan, polio, PolioPlus, poliovirus, Rotary, unicef, vaccine, who Viewed: 1,028 Rotary announces $100 million to eradicate polio The funding comes as Rotary and its partners in the GPEI address the most pressing challenges to ending poliovirus transmission in vulnerable pockets of the world." href="">Read more
Nigeria is a key partner in Rotary: Rassin With strong membership growth in African countries, Rotary International President Barry Rassin says he is looking forward to their greater presence in the RI Board in the coming years."> Rest of Rotary World Nigeria is a key partner in Rotary: Rassin With strong membership growth in African countries, Rotary International President Barry Rassin says he is looking forward to their greater presence in the RI Board in the coming years. Nov 2018Nov 20 2018 Egufe Yafugborhi, Vanguard Ebola, nigeria, Pakistan, polio, Port Harcourt, Rivers State Viewed: 920 Nigeria is a key partner in Rotary: Rassin With strong membership growth in African countries, Rotary International President Barry Rassin says he is looking forward to their greater presence in the RI Board in the coming years." href="">Read more
Rotary, UNICEF fight to eradicate polio In September, the WHO declared Nigeria polio-free, leaving only two countries in the world that have never stopped transmission of the wild poliovirus: Afghanistan and Pakistan."> Rest of Rotary World Rotary, UNICEF fight to eradicate polio In September, the WHO declared Nigeria polio-free, leaving only two countries in the world that have never stopped transmission of the wild poliovirus: Afghanistan and Pakistan. Oct 2018 Sarah Ferguson, Forbes Afghanistan, immunisation, nigeria, Pakistan, poliovirus, unicef Viewed: 803 Rotary, UNICEF fight to eradicate polio In September, the WHO declared Nigeria polio-free, leaving only two countries in the world that have never stopped transmission of the wild poliovirus: Afghanistan and Pakistan." href="">Read more
Rotary International’s final battle against polio The global organisation recently made another serious move to end polio, awarding nearly $100 million in grants to eradicate the disease in the countries where it remains endemic. "> Rest of Rotary World Rotary International’s final battle against polio The global organisation recently made another serious move to end polio, awarding nearly $100 million in grants to eradicate the disease in the countries where it remains endemic. Sep 2018Sep 20 2018 Alice Dickow, Inside Philanthrophy 3-H, Bill Gates Foundation, nigeria, Pakistan, polio, unicef Viewed: 1,181 Rotary International’s final battle against polio The global organisation recently made another serious move to end polio, awarding nearly $100 million in grants to eradicate the disease in the countries where it remains endemic. " href="">Read more
Eradicating polio: A Rotary mission The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has joined Rotary’s successful efforts by matching $2 for every $1 raised by Rotary whose members assist government agencies in giving oral vaccine."> Rest of Rotary World Eradicating polio: A Rotary mission The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has joined Rotary’s successful efforts by matching $2 for every $1 raised by Rotary whose members assist government agencies in giving oral vaccine. Apr 2018 Afghanistan, CDC, End Polio, nigeria, Pakistan Viewed: 1,120 Eradicating polio: A Rotary mission The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has joined Rotary’s successful efforts by matching $2 for every $1 raised by Rotary whose members assist government agencies in giving oral vaccine." href="">Read more
Pakistan NGO helps jailed fishermen return home As a goodwill gesture Pakistan released 78 Indian fishermen who were detained on the charge of straying into their waters. Edhi Foundation offered them food and support for a safe passage."> Rest of Rotary World Pakistan NGO helps jailed fishermen return home As a goodwill gesture Pakistan released 78 Indian fishermen who were detained on the charge of straying into their waters. Edhi Foundation offered them food and support for a safe passage. Aug 2017Oct 10 2024 Sonali Kokra, Huffington Post Edhi Foundation, fishermen, Karachi, Lahore, maritime, Pakistan, Wagah border Viewed: 703 Pakistan NGO helps jailed fishermen return home As a goodwill gesture Pakistan released 78 Indian fishermen who were detained on the charge of straying into their waters. Edhi Foundation offered them food and support for a safe passage." href="">Read more