Menstrual hygiene project in Nigerian schools Project Nora Dreams will provide free sanitary pads to girls whose families can’t afford such a facility every month and this will also encourage them to attend classes regularly."> Rest of Rotary World Menstrual hygiene project in Nigerian schools Project Nora Dreams will provide free sanitary pads to girls whose families can’t afford such a facility every month and this will also encourage them to attend classes regularly. Feb 2019Feb 12 2019 Chioma Obinna, Vanguard Botswana, Ghana, Kenya, Lagos, menstruation, nigeria, Nora Dreams, Palmgrove Viewed: 1,183 Menstrual hygiene project in Nigerian schools Project Nora Dreams will provide free sanitary pads to girls whose families can’t afford such a facility every month and this will also encourage them to attend classes regularly." href="">Read more
Rotary looking for teachers for African tech project A vocational training team from Rotary clubs in British Columbia will visit Kenyan schools and induct tech-based skill sets to local teachers and principals to enhance classroom education."> Rest of Rotary World Rotary looking for teachers for African tech project A vocational training team from Rotary clubs in British Columbia will visit Kenyan schools and induct tech-based skill sets to local teachers and principals to enhance classroom education. Sep 2018Sep 06 2018 Ian Jacques, Delta Optimist British Columbia, Kenya, Kitimat, Prince George, Prince Rupert, Sunshine Coast, Tsawwassen, Vancouver Viewed: 832 Rotary looking for teachers for African tech project A vocational training team from Rotary clubs in British Columbia will visit Kenyan schools and induct tech-based skill sets to local teachers and principals to enhance classroom education." href="">Read more
Rotary boost to primary school in Kenya Following its adoption by Rotary 10 years ago, the primary school had seen a rush of applicants for its kindergarten classes which are being expanded to accommodate more pupils."> Rest of Rotary World Rotary boost to primary school in Kenya Following its adoption by Rotary 10 years ago, the primary school had seen a rush of applicants for its kindergarten classes which are being expanded to accommodate more pupils. Aug 2018Aug 22 2018 North Jersey Record Bees Abroad, Kenya, Kishermoruak, Maywood, New Jersey, Ridgewood Viewed: 766 Rotary boost to primary school in Kenya Following its adoption by Rotary 10 years ago, the primary school had seen a rush of applicants for its kindergarten classes which are being expanded to accommodate more pupils." href="">Read more
Rotary teams deliver safe water in Kenya A Rotary Water Mission worked with volunteers of a children's foundation to provide clean drinking water for a school in a Kenyan village."> Rest of Rotary World Rotary teams deliver safe water in Kenya A Rotary Water Mission worked with volunteers of a children's foundation to provide clean drinking water for a school in a Kenyan village. Jun 2018Jun 15 2018 The Andover Townsman Andover, H2Okari, Kenya, Kisii, Margaret Okari School Viewed: 2,293 Rotary teams deliver safe water in Kenya A Rotary Water Mission worked with volunteers of a children's foundation to provide clean drinking water for a school in a Kenyan village." href="">Read more
Rotary restores normal vision to Kenyan boy A 13-year-old Moses Mwaura who had an eye defect rectified in Minnesota seven years ago becomes the toast of a Rotary meeting which recalls his earlier visit."> Rest of Rotary World Rotary restores normal vision to Kenyan boy A 13-year-old Moses Mwaura who had an eye defect rectified in Minnesota seven years ago becomes the toast of a Rotary meeting which recalls his earlier visit. Jan 2018Jan 10 2018 Andrew Wig, Sun Current Edina, esotropia, Kenya, Methare Valley, Minnesota, Moses Mwaura Viewed: 806 Rotary restores normal vision to Kenyan boy A 13-year-old Moses Mwaura who had an eye defect rectified in Minnesota seven years ago becomes the toast of a Rotary meeting which recalls his earlier visit." href="">Read more
Kenyan orphanage rebuilt with Rotary assistance During a visit to Kenya, the four Rotarians found the local club has expertise in building facilities, but lacked funding. So they decided to pitch in with monetary help."> Rest of Rotary World Kenyan orphanage rebuilt with Rotary assistance During a visit to Kenya, the four Rotarians found the local club has expertise in building facilities, but lacked funding. So they decided to pitch in with monetary help. Nov 2017Nov 22 2017 Grande Prairie, Kenya, Kikuyu, Kireba, Nairobi, orphanage Viewed: 926 Kenyan orphanage rebuilt with Rotary assistance During a visit to Kenya, the four Rotarians found the local club has expertise in building facilities, but lacked funding. So they decided to pitch in with monetary help." href="">Read more