Making books for children

Children’s Books: An Indian Story is a treasure for those interested in Indian literature, whether total immersion or a toehold; whether writers, readers, teachers, editors or publishers. It’s an erudite perspective on aspects of our kidlit (children’s literature), which is attracting more and more attention because of its interesting history, our super-multi-cultural people and layered social issues. An awesome task, achieved with excellence by two doyens in this arena, Shailaja Menon and Sandhya Rao. The range and breadth of the subject require minds that are both learned and creative, both characteristics of Shailaja and Sandhya’s characters and works.

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A whirlwind of words Lit for Life in Chennai whipped up a storm of writers, speakers, fans and foodies.

There’s a buzz every time the Jaipur LitFest comes along, and this time there was a bigger buzz thanks to the presence of Rishi Sunak who appears to carry quite

A whirlwind of words Lit for Life in Chennai whipped up a storm of writers, speakers, fans and foodies." href="">Read more

A computer centre empowers youth

In 2023, Bharat Daga, then president of the Rotary Club of Raipur, RID 3261, turned his vision into reality by setting up a computer centre at the Amilidih Government School in Raipur, Chhattisgarh. “Most students here come from impoverished backgrounds; their parents are daily wagers, street vendors or domestic workers. Despite having 2,000 students, the school lacked a computer lab or digital classroom. Our club was determined to change that, and empower these children with skills needed for a brighter future,” he says.

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