Trivia quiz to raise funds for anti-polio campaign It was the third year for the contest and by mid-afternoon they had raised about $775, up from last year's $600, half of which will go towards battling polio, while the rest for local projects.

The Hancock Rotary Club (Maryland, US — D 7360) continued its effort on Sunday of addressing serious issues while having a little fun at the Hancock American Legion.
The club held its annual trivia contest, drawing 10 teams of contestants who tested their brains over topics related to pop culture, history and other areas.
There were about six people on each team, and each person paid a $20 entry fee.
Among the questions: How many standard keys are on a grand piano? Answer: 88.
If you’re standing facing Mount Rushmore, who is at the far right? Abraham Lincoln.
It was the third year for the contest, and organizers by midafternoon said they had raised about $775, up from last year’s $600.
One of the main missions of Rotary International is battling the spread of polio, and the group got a friend in the effort when Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates decided to donate $2 for every $1 Rotary International raises to fight the disease.
Half of the money from Hancock Rotary’s trivia contest went toward battling polio, while the rest supports the community.
The local funds support the Hancock Rotary Foundation, which regularly awards scholarships to two students from Hancock Middle/Senior High School and two students from Southern Fulton Junior/Senior High School, said January Souders, President of Hancock Rotary.
The money also supports other local education efforts and helps fund the annual Hancock Halloween parade, Souders said.
Polio is a highly infectious disease caused by a virus.
It invades the nervous system and can cause total paralysis in a matter of hours, according to the World Health Organisation, which works with Rotary International to battle the disease.
Although the United States has been polio-free since 1979, endemic transmission is continuing in countries such as Afghanistan and Pakistan, according to WHO.
Failure to stop polio in the last remaining areas could result in as many as 200,000 new cases every year within 10 years, according to WHO.
Rotarians are among the teams who fan out across polio-stricken regions around the world to administer a vaccine, and some have been killed in the effort, said Melinda Golden, member of the Hancock Rotary and past governor of Rotary District 7360.
“There’s all kind of logistics involved,” she said.
Source: Herald-Mail Media