Rotary displays projects at Toronto convention House of Friendship is an important part of the 109th annual International Rotary Convention, which has drawn about 25,000 club members to the city from more than 175 countries. "> Rest of Rotary World Rotary displays projects at Toronto convention House of Friendship is an important part of the 109th annual International Rotary Convention, which has drawn about 25,000 club members to the city from more than 175 countries. Jun 2018Jun 28 2018 Muriel Draaisma, CBC Amal Alliance, Congo, House of Friendship, Kinshasa, PolioPlus, Toronto, unicef Viewed: 1,020 Rotary displays projects at Toronto convention House of Friendship is an important part of the 109th annual International Rotary Convention, which has drawn about 25,000 club members to the city from more than 175 countries. " href="">Read more
Rotary convention brings 24K people to Toronto Toronto will witness a sea of Rotarians interacting on global issues as it hosts the 5-day Rotary convention that will inject nearly CAD $48.5 million into the local economy."> Rest of Rotary World Rotary convention brings 24K people to Toronto Toronto will witness a sea of Rotarians interacting on global issues as it hosts the 5-day Rotary convention that will inject nearly CAD $48.5 million into the local economy. Jun 2018Jun 26 2018 Rotary International Air Canada Centre, Distillery District, Peacebuilding, Ripley's Aquarium, Rotary, Toronto Viewed: 775 Rotary convention brings 24K people to Toronto Toronto will witness a sea of Rotarians interacting on global issues as it hosts the 5-day Rotary convention that will inject nearly CAD $48.5 million into the local economy." href="">Read more