Rotary summer pack for homeless in Niagara In total, 25 packs containing everything from sunscreen to hats and t-shirts were donated by Rotary, which obtained the packs from Engage in Change, a Toronto-based support group."> Rest of Rotary World Rotary summer pack for homeless in Niagara In total, 25 packs containing everything from sunscreen to hats and t-shirts were donated by Rotary, which obtained the packs from Engage in Change, a Toronto-based support group. Jul 2017Jul 21 2017 Richard Hutton, Engage in Change, homeless, Niagara Falls, soup kitchen, summer pack Viewed: 650 Rotary summer pack for homeless in Niagara In total, 25 packs containing everything from sunscreen to hats and t-shirts were donated by Rotary, which obtained the packs from Engage in Change, a Toronto-based support group." href="">Read more