Long Beach Rotary steps up to foster Literacy Youngsters are helped to read at the grade level through a Reading by 9 programme of the club which had donated a lot of books and money for the success of the project."> Rest of Rotary World Long Beach Rotary steps up to foster Literacy Youngsters are helped to read at the grade level through a Reading by 9 programme of the club which had donated a lot of books and money for the success of the project. Nov 2018Nov 01 2018 Amy Orr, The Grunion Jenny Orpeza, Literacy, Long Beach, Reading by 9 Viewed: 724 Long Beach Rotary steps up to foster Literacy Youngsters are helped to read at the grade level through a Reading by 9 programme of the club which had donated a lot of books and money for the success of the project." href="https://rotarynewsonline.org/long-beach-rotary-steps-up-to-foster-literacy/">Read more