RIPE Maloney to speak at Missouri Institute Rotarians will be trained in leading volunteers, engaging in projects, building strong clubs, serving a community’s needs, and working with other organisations."> Rest of Rotary World RIPE Maloney to speak at Missouri Institute Rotarians will be trained in leading volunteers, engaging in projects, building strong clubs, serving a community’s needs, and working with other organisations. Mar 2019Mar 08 2019 News Tribune Alabama, Decatur, Jefferson City, Leadership Institute, Missouri Viewed: 992 RIPE Maloney to speak at Missouri Institute Rotarians will be trained in leading volunteers, engaging in projects, building strong clubs, serving a community’s needs, and working with other organisations." href="">Read more
Barry Rassin at workshop for Rotary leaders The Show Me Rotary Leadership Institute comprises three Rotary districts in Missouri, US, working cooperatively which makes it possible to attract senior leaders from around the world. "> Rest of Rotary World Barry Rassin at workshop for Rotary leaders The Show Me Rotary Leadership Institute comprises three Rotary districts in Missouri, US, working cooperatively which makes it possible to attract senior leaders from around the world. Mar 2018Mar 28 2018 Fulton Sun Barry Rassin, Fulton, Jefferson City, Missouri, Show Me Rotary Viewed: 675 Barry Rassin at workshop for Rotary leaders The Show Me Rotary Leadership Institute comprises three Rotary districts in Missouri, US, working cooperatively which makes it possible to attract senior leaders from around the world. " href="">Read more