A Rotary club gets busy with autumn projects for community An Ethics Conference for school students and Chilli Cook-off, a fundrasier for the club's local and international causes, are the highlights of major projects during the season."> Rest of Rotary World A Rotary club gets busy with autumn projects for community An Ethics Conference for school students and Chilli Cook-off, a fundrasier for the club's local and international causes, are the highlights of major projects during the season. Dec 2017Dec 27 2017 Newark Advocate 4-Way Test, Chilli Cook-Off, Granville, Licking County, Shred-It Day Viewed: 616 A Rotary club gets busy with autumn projects for community An Ethics Conference for school students and Chilli Cook-off, a fundrasier for the club's local and international causes, are the highlights of major projects during the season." href="https://rotarynewsonline.org/a-rotary-club-gets-busy-with-autumn-projects/">Read more