Nacogdoches Rotary opens mobile library for children Summer is for relaxation and a deserved break from school, but Rotarians will see to it that the learning process never gets a break.
Children tend to shut down from reading over the summer break.
With that in mind, the Nacogdoches Rotary Club (Texas, US — District 5910) established the Summer Reading Mobile Library.
The service project has blossomed into a year-long literacy programme.
This week the Rotary Mobile Library began rolling up to Nacogdoches city parks.
“Winnie the Pooh. Alright,” a helper said.
“I found a book,” said Bryan Santiago, an 11-year-old said.
Children discover free books on their own. No one is making the first through fifth graders read. The youngsters just do it for the pure enjoyment.
Rotarian Ed Pool explained why the service club adopted the literacy programme, but it kind of choked him up.
“It’s the gratitude, no doubt. The wonder in the children’s eyes is just amazing You can tell they’ve been given a special gift. It’s really fun to watch.”
Children responded. But so did Rotarians. They looked for other ways that members could have an impact on literacy.
This year they adopted Fredonia Elementary where 20 Rotary Readers are matched with selected students.
“The Mobile Library we see kids come and go, but we don’t get to sit down with them a lot,” said Miles McCall, the Literacy Committee chair. “There we get to, so that’s been a successful programme.”
Next came Micro-Libraries found in doctor offices and barber shops. Soon they can be found at all city parks.
“It will be a place where they can come get a book because a lot of the students they just don’t have access to the reading material,” McCall said.
Summer is for relaxation and a deserved break from school, but Rotarians will see to it that the learning process never gets a break.
Book donations are always needed. Children’s books appropriate for first through fifth grade can be dropped off at Gound Chevrolet and Charles Pool Real Estate in Nacogdoches.
The Mobile Library visits parks each Tuesday and Thursday through August 3.