Dealing with the invasion of the idiots

About 30 years ago, while travelling on a train from Delhi to Chennai I was able to observe a very Indian phenomenon: all the six people sitting around me knew everything about everything. The total journey time was 36 hours of which 18 were spent sleeping. But the remaining 18 hours were available for incessant discussion on all subjects under the sun.

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Interactors make adults literate

Manju, Babita, Gudiya, Hema, Rakhi and Kajal are happy that they can now read Hindi dailies, sign their names, and transact business (buying and selling) without help from others. These six middle-aged women employed as domestic helpers, shop assistants and doing unskilled work at Naukuchiatal, a hill station near Nainital, have completed their two-month Adult Literacy Programme (ALP) conducted by the Interactors of RC Nainital, RID 3110. All of them wrote the exam formulated by the Rotary India Literacy Mission, and got their certificates.

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A medical camp near Salem

Over 400 people benefitted from a one-day medical camp organised by RC Elampillai, RID 2982, at ­Elampillai, a town near Salem, Tamil Nadu. The camp comprised diagnosis and treatment for eyes, ENT, varicose veins, and joint and shoulder. Cataract surgeries were performed for 200 people and physiotherapy sessions were scheduled for over 90 individuals with joint and shoulder issues, said club president Obuli Venkatesh.

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