Rotary provides 26 years of mobility support in Africa Thanks to a successful partnership with RC Rushmoor, UK, the Rotary Club of Northcliff in Zambia has been distributing wheelchairs to the disabled in the neighbouring countries.
The Rotary Club Northcliff (Zambia, RID 9400) has managed their wheelchair project for 26 years, providing wheelchairs and mobility aids to those who cannot afford them, at no cost, thanks to a very generous sponsor.
During this 26-year-period the Rotary clubs in South Africa, Zambia, Botswana, Zimbabwe and Mozambique have handed out over 33 000 wheelchairs to individuals.
They source these chairs through their international partner Rotary Club Rushmoor in the United Kingdom. As it is currently winter there, they are battling to collect chairs to fill their next container.
The Rotary Club Northcliff is appealing to residents of Northcliff and friends to donate any wheelchairs gathering dust in their garages or storerooms.
The club said it can refurbish them if necessary and then hand them over to their never-ending list of desperate people, while they are waiting for their next shipment.
Source: Northcliff Melville Times