2025-27 RI Directors for zones 4,5,6 & 7

RI President Gordon McInally declared past ­district governors K P Nagesh (RID 3191) and M Muruganandam (RID 3000) as directors for 2025–27.

RIDN Nagesh will serve as director for zones 4 and 7 during 2025–27. A member of RC ­Bangalore Highgrounds, he served as DG during 2015–16 for the undivided Rotary district 3190. He was the chair of the 2024 Rotary Zone Institute, RISE, held in Bengaluru.

RIDN Muruganandam will serve as director for Zones 5 and 6. He is a member of RC Bhel City ­Tiruchirapalli and served as DG during 2016–17. He was the chairman of the 2022 Zone Institute held in Chennai.

Both Nagesh and Muruganandam are Arch Klumph Society members.

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