Rotary plans a ‘splash park’ for the community The proposed facility will be located near the playground where families already frequent.

Rotary plans a ‘splash park’ for the community The proposed facility will be located near the playground where families already frequent." href="">Read more

The Dos and Don’ts for a DG Three wise men of Rotary in our zone, all Past RI Presidents, gave the incoming DGs a pep talk on leadership, their power to do good, and more, at the Disha meet in Mumbai.

The Dos and Don’ts for a DG Three wise men of Rotary in our zone, all Past RI Presidents, gave the incoming DGs a pep talk on leadership, their power to do good, and more, at the Disha meet in Mumbai." href="">Read more

Ikkat… the interlock of colours In a fascinating Ikkat trail, the author discovers the complex process involved in weaving the beautiful ikkats of Andhra, Odisha and the gorgeous patolas of Gujarat.

Ikkat… the interlock of colours In a fascinating Ikkat trail, the author discovers the complex process involved in weaving the beautiful ikkats of Andhra, Odisha and the gorgeous patolas of Gujarat." href="">Read more
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