A Rotary club in Florida donates big to charities The Rotary Club of Winter Garden raised $45,500 through events and fundraisers which was distributed to 22 nonprofits that are striving to uplift the community."> Rest of Rotary World A Rotary club in Florida donates big to charities The Rotary Club of Winter Garden raised $45,500 through events and fundraisers which was distributed to 22 nonprofits that are striving to uplift the community. Aug 2019Aug 08 2019 Hannah Swayze, Orange Observer Florida, Happy Dollars, scholarships, Scouts, West Orange Viewed: 859 A Rotary club in Florida donates big to charities The Rotary Club of Winter Garden raised $45,500 through events and fundraisers which was distributed to 22 nonprofits that are striving to uplift the community." href="https://rotarynewsonline.org/a-rotary-club-in-florida-donates-big-to-charities/">Read more
Community activist sworn in as Club President The new Club President was inducted into the West Orange Rotary in 2010 and is active in several committees and fundraisers, apart from taking part in community projects."> Rest of Rotary World Community activist sworn in as Club President The new Club President was inducted into the West Orange Rotary in 2010 and is active in several committees and fundraisers, apart from taking part in community projects. Jul 2018Jul 10 2018 Tapinto West Orange Hazel School, Mayfair Farms, New Jersey, West Orange Viewed: 735 Community activist sworn in as Club President The new Club President was inducted into the West Orange Rotary in 2010 and is active in several committees and fundraisers, apart from taking part in community projects." href="https://rotarynewsonline.org/community-activist-sworn-in-as-club-president/">Read more