Gearing up for ‘Tour de Rotary’ The Connection Ride will see Rotarians on a taxing cycle tour forging relationships on the way to raise funds for charitable groups in uMhlathuze, a town in KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa."> Rest of Rotary World Gearing up for ‘Tour de Rotary’ The Connection Ride will see Rotarians on a taxing cycle tour forging relationships on the way to raise funds for charitable groups in uMhlathuze, a town in KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa. Jan 2018Jan 30 2018 Laurie Smith, Zululand Observer Cape Town, Empangeni, KwaZulu-Natal, uMhlathuze, Vryheid Viewed: 666 Gearing up for ‘Tour de Rotary’ The Connection Ride will see Rotarians on a taxing cycle tour forging relationships on the way to raise funds for charitable groups in uMhlathuze, a town in KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa." href="">Read more