Bridging generations
We should have fun and enjoy the fact that we are creating magic. While we’re changing people’s lives, we’re also enriching our own,” said RI President Stephanie Urchick, addressing a gathering of 46 DRREs and DRRNs at the Kochi Rotary Institute. She stressed the importance of fun and engagement in sustaining interest and participation in Rotary’s initiatives.
She highlighted the need for collaboration and smooth transition from Rotaract to Rotary. “Misconceptions exist on both sides, Rotarians often view Rotaractors as inexperienced; Rotaractors see Rotarians as outdated and disconnected. Mutual learning, especially reverse mentoring, is essential for growth,” she noted, emphasising that Rotary is not just for older individuals, but for anyone passionate about service.

Referring to the landmark decision to elevate Rotaract at the 2019 CoL, she said more structured measures are needed to make this transition effective. She urged district leaders to actively engage Rotaractors and sustain their initial enthusiasm. “There is something for everyone. The challenge lies in identifying the spark and nurturing it. It’s easy to get somebody to come into our world. But retention requires effort,” she said.
The RI President praised Rotaract for fostering inclusivity and diversity. “Rotaract clubs are already achieving milestones in gender diversity, with 50 per cent female representation globally, compared to Rotary’s sub-30 per cent. Strengthening diversity leads to stronger organisation.” She suggested forming satellite clubs for Rotaractors that can “help bridge the gap while preserving their vibrant culture.”
Institute convenor RI Director Anirudha Roychowdhury expressed concern over the dwindling Rotaract strength. “India has the largest contingent of Rotaractors, yet we lost 17,000 Rotaractors this year. We bank on you for fresh ideas; you are the future of Rotary,” he said, and called to Rotary and Rotaract clubs to work together and collaborate for effective service projects. “Your energy is vital, but you must embrace the legacy of Rotary to take our prestigious organisation into the future.”
Rotaract clubs have achieved milestones in gender diversity, with 50 per cent female representation globally, compared to Rotary’s sub-30 per cent.
– Stephanie Urchick, RI President
RI Director Raju Subramanian noted that Rotaract membership has drastically dropped since the introduction of membership dues. “Weigh the benefits of being a part of Rotary, the personal development it offers, the amount of good you can give to your community and the networking opportunities. Rotary extends its hands to help you become better individuals,” he said, and observed that no Rotaract district has come up with a global grant project, a transformational aspect of the ‘Elevate Rotaract’ resolution.
PRID Mahesh Kotbagi called upon them to “identify the less privileged around you and give them the opportunity to grow. Whatever you do, maintain your integrity.”
RIDE M Muruganandam recalled his days as a Rotaractor. “Times have changed, but one thing remains clear: the importance of a structured approach, or cadence, in our work,” he said, and highlighted Rotary’s three critical aspects — its strength, its unwavering commitment to service and embracing responsibility.
“Rotary is not just a name — it’s a movement, a platform that unites 1.4 million people through shared values and a commitment to service. Together, we protect not just the health and wealth of India but of the world. Let us continue to grow, inspire and lead with purpose.”
Highlighting India’s achievement, he said, “Rotary India is thriving. India stands tall, not just in numbers but in the quality of service we deliver. Out of over 220 countries, India ranks second in growth and service.” He urged the youngsters to “embrace responsibility. Rotary offers everyone this opportunity — to step up, take charge and create meaningful change.”
Muruganandam also shared the 1:2:3 formula that he, along with RIDE K P Nagesh, will focus on to strengthen membership. “For every new Rotarian inducted, two Rotaractors and three Interactors must be inducted. Similarly, for every new Rotary club, two Rotaract and three Interact clubs must be chartered,” he said. He encouraged Rotaract clubs to organise RYLAs for Interact clubs in government schools.
RIDE Nagesh stressed the need for a mindset shift among both Rotarians and Rotaractors to foster better collaboration. “Rotarians need to stop viewing Rotaractors as “kids” and recognise their potential, while Rotaractors should appreciate the experience and wisdom Rotarians bring. Rotaractors excel in adopting new technologies and innovative approaches. Rotarians should acknowledge this strength and integrate these ideas into their traditional methods for mutual benefit. The future of Rotary depends on this understanding,” he said.
He suggested Rotaract clubs should sponsor Interact clubs and inspire Interactors to join Rotaract. For better coordination between the Rotaract and Rotary leaders of districts, Nagesh suggested a joint session for DRREs and DGEs at the upcoming Disha training seminar.