Rotary flag hoisted at city hall in Canada As a tribute to the contributions made by the Rotary Club of Thompson which has excelled in service activities, the City Council has honoured it by raising its flag. "> Rest of Rotary World Rotary flag hoisted at city hall in Canada As a tribute to the contributions made by the Rotary Club of Thompson which has excelled in service activities, the City Council has honoured it by raising its flag. Nov 2018Nov 02 2018 Ian Graham, Thompson Citizen Manitoba, Otto Bindle, Pisew Falls, Rotary flag, Thompson Viewed: 667 Rotary flag hoisted at city hall in Canada As a tribute to the contributions made by the Rotary Club of Thompson which has excelled in service activities, the City Council has honoured it by raising its flag. " href="">Read more
A popular food drive for hungry school children KidsPak, a project of the Loveland Rotary Club, is a weekend hunger-relief programme that provides enough food for deprived children attending schools in Thompson School District."> Rest of Rotary World A popular food drive for hungry school children KidsPak, a project of the Loveland Rotary Club, is a weekend hunger-relief programme that provides enough food for deprived children attending schools in Thompson School District. Feb 2018Feb 12 2018 Berthoud Weekly Surveyor Berthoud, Heys Market, KidsPak, Larimer County, Loveland, Thompson, Timnath Viewed: 708 A popular food drive for hungry school children KidsPak, a project of the Loveland Rotary Club, is a weekend hunger-relief programme that provides enough food for deprived children attending schools in Thompson School District." href="">Read more