Stratford hospice to be named after Rotary Rotarians from across Perth County, Canada are working to raise a combined $1 million for the estimated $7.5 million 10-bed hospice which will be the sesquicentennial project of the club."> Rest of Rotary World Stratford hospice to be named after Rotary Rotarians from across Perth County, Canada are working to raise a combined $1 million for the estimated $7.5 million 10-bed hospice which will be the sesquicentennial project of the club. Sep 2017Sep 13 2017 Dragon Boat Festival, Greenwood Court, hospice, Perth County, Starford Viewed: 670 Stratford hospice to be named after Rotary Rotarians from across Perth County, Canada are working to raise a combined $1 million for the estimated $7.5 million 10-bed hospice which will be the sesquicentennial project of the club." href="">Read more