Rotary holds rummage sale to help students with food The proceeds of the sale will be used to fund a project called 12 Weeks of Summer which hands out food to youth apart from providing scholarships and clothing to needy students."> Rest of Rotary World Rotary holds rummage sale to help students with food The proceeds of the sale will be used to fund a project called 12 Weeks of Summer which hands out food to youth apart from providing scholarships and clothing to needy students. Jul 2018Jul 09 2018 Daniel Warn, Nisqually Valley News Moose Lodge, Nisqually, rummage, Yelm Viewed: 721 Rotary holds rummage sale to help students with food The proceeds of the sale will be used to fund a project called 12 Weeks of Summer which hands out food to youth apart from providing scholarships and clothing to needy students." href="">Read more