Rotary Star Award boosts students’ morale The award is given to a pupil not only for academic achievements but usually for someone who shines, has put in sincere effort, represented the school or has experienced challenging circumstances."> Rest of Rotary World Rotary Star Award boosts students’ morale The award is given to a pupil not only for academic achievements but usually for someone who shines, has put in sincere effort, represented the school or has experienced challenging circumstances. Jul 2017Jul 18 2017 Melton Times Ab Kettleby Gaddesby, Melton Belvoir, Melton Mowbray, Old Dalby Primary School, Rotary Star Award Viewed: 597 Rotary Star Award boosts students’ morale The award is given to a pupil not only for academic achievements but usually for someone who shines, has put in sincere effort, represented the school or has experienced challenging circumstances." href="">Read more