A club’s youngest president lists service goals Rotary Club of Joondalup will focus on youth exchange, beach clean-up and take up issues related to homelessness in this year, besides inducting new members to support projects."> Rest of Rotary World A club’s youngest president lists service goals Rotary Club of Joondalup will focus on youth exchange, beach clean-up and take up issues related to homelessness in this year, besides inducting new members to support projects. Sep 2018Sep 27 2018 Lucy Jarvis, Joondalup Times Connolly, Joondalup, Mullaloo Beach, Perth, youth exchange Viewed: 676 A club’s youngest president lists service goals Rotary Club of Joondalup will focus on youth exchange, beach clean-up and take up issues related to homelessness in this year, besides inducting new members to support projects." href="https://rotarynewsonline.org/a-clubs-youngest-president-lists-service-goals/">Read more