Rotary restores normal vision to Kenyan boy A 13-year-old Moses Mwaura who had an eye defect rectified in Minnesota seven years ago becomes the toast of a Rotary meeting which recalls his earlier visit."> Rest of Rotary World Rotary restores normal vision to Kenyan boy A 13-year-old Moses Mwaura who had an eye defect rectified in Minnesota seven years ago becomes the toast of a Rotary meeting which recalls his earlier visit. Jan 2018Jan 10 2018 Andrew Wig, Sun Current Edina, esotropia, Kenya, Methare Valley, Minnesota, Moses Mwaura Viewed: 801 Rotary restores normal vision to Kenyan boy A 13-year-old Moses Mwaura who had an eye defect rectified in Minnesota seven years ago becomes the toast of a Rotary meeting which recalls his earlier visit." href="">Read more