Rotary holds contest to hone leadership skills Aimed to empower students with constructive engagements, the club organised a talk competition for local schools which gave an opportunity for the youth to groom their skills."> Rest of Rotary World Rotary holds contest to hone leadership skills Aimed to empower students with constructive engagements, the club organised a talk competition for local schools which gave an opportunity for the youth to groom their skills. Apr 2018Apr 10 2018 Chatsworth Rising Sun Arena Park, Chatsworth, Crossmoor, Howard College, KwaZulu-Natal, Meadowlands, Monthford, South Africa Viewed: 766 Rotary holds contest to hone leadership skills Aimed to empower students with constructive engagements, the club organised a talk competition for local schools which gave an opportunity for the youth to groom their skills." href="">Read more