Rotary grant to provide clean water in Nigeria The problem of water supply is worse in remote areas where limited resource, inadequate power supply, and lack of adequate surface water of drinking quality compound the scarcity."> Rest of Rotary World Rotary grant to provide clean water in Nigeria The problem of water supply is worse in remote areas where limited resource, inadequate power supply, and lack of adequate surface water of drinking quality compound the scarcity. Jul 2017Jul 20 2017 Nordonia Hills News Leader borehole, Ehime-Mbana, LifeStraw, nigeria, Nordonia Hills, Nzerm, St Barnabas, Ukwunwangwu, Umuota Viewed: 1,119 Rotary grant to provide clean water in Nigeria The problem of water supply is worse in remote areas where limited resource, inadequate power supply, and lack of adequate surface water of drinking quality compound the scarcity." href="">Read more