Rotary provides backpacks for foster children Many children start the school year with no possessions and the Rotary club in partnership with a company purchases backpacks which are filled with supplies through community donations."> Rest of Rotary World Rotary provides backpacks for foster children Many children start the school year with no possessions and the Rotary club in partnership with a company purchases backpacks which are filled with supplies through community donations. Aug 2018Aug 14 2018 Journal Gazette & Times Courier Arbor Day, backpacks, Charleston, Illinois, Jefferson School Viewed: 804 Rotary provides backpacks for foster children Many children start the school year with no possessions and the Rotary club in partnership with a company purchases backpacks which are filled with supplies through community donations." href="">Read more
Rotary presents cheque for school laptops The club presented a cheque for $8,000 and the Excellence in Education Foundation added a $2,000 contribution to purchase 20 laptops for sixth-grade classrooms."> Rest of Rotary World Rotary presents cheque for school laptops The club presented a cheque for $8,000 and the Excellence in Education Foundation added a $2,000 contribution to purchase 20 laptops for sixth-grade classrooms. Jul 2017Jul 14 2017 Journal Gazette & Times Courier (JG-TC) Charleston Rotary, Charleston School, Jefferson School, laptop, Rotary Pancake Day Viewed: 711 Rotary presents cheque for school laptops The club presented a cheque for $8,000 and the Excellence in Education Foundation added a $2,000 contribution to purchase 20 laptops for sixth-grade classrooms." href="">Read more