Keep up the good work, Riseley pats Rotarians During a visit to Prince Edward Island in Canada, RI President says people join the organisation because they want to help the society both locally and globally, apart from fellowship."> Rest of Rotary World Keep up the good work, Riseley pats Rotarians During a visit to Prince Edward Island in Canada, RI President says people join the organisation because they want to help the society both locally and globally, apart from fellowship. Oct 2017Oct 04 2017 Jim Day, The Guardian Camp Gencheff, Charlottetown, Ian Riseley, Prince Edward Island, Sandringham Viewed: 734 Keep up the good work, Riseley pats Rotarians During a visit to Prince Edward Island in Canada, RI President says people join the organisation because they want to help the society both locally and globally, apart from fellowship." href="">Read more