Rotary, Interact clubs help Guatemalan children Safe Passage was presented with a cheque of $5,000 which will help them run an elementary school and a daycare in Gautemala where the dropout rate among schoolchildren is high."> Rest of Rotary World Rotary, Interact clubs help Guatemalan children Safe Passage was presented with a cheque of $5,000 which will help them run an elementary school and a daycare in Gautemala where the dropout rate among schoolchildren is high. Feb 2018Feb 05 2018 Judi Currie, Berwick-Eliot, Guatemala City, Maine, Marshwood, Safe Passage Viewed: 645 Rotary, Interact clubs help Guatemalan children Safe Passage was presented with a cheque of $5,000 which will help them run an elementary school and a daycare in Gautemala where the dropout rate among schoolchildren is high." href="">Read more