Rotary march grabs attention in Worcester The funds raised from the march enables the Rotary club to continue supporting good causes in the local community, apart from boosting the profile of business outlets.

Worcester shoppers stopped in their tracks to see the unusual spectacle of Worcester Rotary Club’s (UK, D 1100) seventh annual Sandwich Board March on Saturday morning.
Rotarians gathered outside the Guildhall and just before 11am the Malvern brigade began the march, which travelled along city street including Broad Street, High Street, The Shambles, through Reindeer Court and Church Street.
Marchers returned to the Guildhall after their journey, which took around 40 minutes.
Among the businesses taking part in the event with a board were Flowers of Worcester, Perfections, Ron Smith and Co, Mark A Linley Goldsmith, Co-op travel, GRL, Balti Mahal, and ISO Quality Services Limited.
At the front of the march was Worcester’s Mayor Councillor Jabba Riaz.
Councillor Riaz said: “This march is a win-win situation for everyone.”
“It boosts the profile of businesses, and Rotary members support good causes.”
“It is a good show of strength for city businesses.”
The funds raised from the board march enables the Rotary Club of Worcester to continue supporting good causes in the local community.
Daniel Daniels, a Rotary club member who helped organise the event, said: “To have more than 70 companies represented is great.”
“We are delighted. Funds raised enable the Rotary Club of Worcester to continue supporting local people and causes.”
“We always get good local support for the march.”
Good causes that have benefitted from money raised from the march in previous years include Ford Royal Special School, Worcester Volunteer Centre, Maggs Day Centre, New Hope and Worcester Snoezelen Project.
Source: Worcester News