Rotary-VHS changing lives: Barry Rassin

In Chennai, RIPE Barry Rassin, accompanied by PRID P T ­Prabhakar and D 3232 DG R Srinivasan and other Rotary leaders, visited the Rotary Blood Bank at the VHS ­Hospital. He was taken around the various facilities at the blood bank by its Chief Medical Officer Dr V ­Mythily. The CMO explained in detail the process of separation, testing and storage of blood and blood components at the state-of-the-art facility which was a joint endeavour between the VHS Hospital, Rotary Club of Madras Central and the TTK group of companies.

RIPE Barry Rassin greeting a girl at the thalassaemia block of the Rotary Blood Bank at the VHS Hospital. Also seen are (from left) RPIC Rajadurai Michael (Zone 5), Rtn Dr P Srinivasan, PRID P T Prabhakar, DG R Srinivasan and DGE Babu Peram.
RIPE Barry Rassin greeting a girl at the thalassaemia block of the Rotary Blood Bank at the VHS Hospital. Also seen are (from left) RPIC Rajadurai Michael (Zone 5), Rtn Dr P Srinivasan, PRID P T Prabhakar, DG R Srinivasan and DGE Babu Peram.

Rassin interacted with children being treated at the thalassaemia block of the blood bank and went on to see the newly opened Abhimanyu Block for maternal and child healthcare. A healthcare professional himself, Rassin inspected each and every special ward, clinic and cubicle and asked question about the care being provided.

At the laboratory and diagnostic block too, Rassin interacted with technicians and biochemists with pointed questions.


At home in hospitals

Later, addressing select Rotarians at K S Sanjivi Hall, he noted that the VHS Hospital was helped by Rotary  for providing affordable healthcare. Rotarians can be proud of what they have achieved in partnership with the VHS, he said.

Having grown up at hospitals in the Bahamas where his father was a surgeon and mother a nurse, he said, “It is a true pleasure to be at the VHS and wonderful to go and see the lab facilities.” There is nothing like putting the smile back on the faces of children who are getting blood transfusion, he added.

When compared to the cost of medical services in the Bahamas — where the lowest x-ray would cost anywhere around $200 and CBC test $50-$60 —
healthcare is really affordable in ­Chennai, he noted.

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