Rotary teams deliver safe water in Kenya A Rotary Water Mission worked with volunteers of a children's foundation to provide clean drinking water for a school in a Kenyan village.

Students of a children’s foundation in Kisii, Kenya worked with Rotary clubs across the country — including the Rotary Club of Andover (Massachusetts, US – D 7930) — to provide clean drinking water for the Margaret Okari School and the village of Kisii.
The construction of a new, clean-water well has greatly improved the lives of villagers.
Craig Saline of Rotary, the champion of the H2Okari project for Rotary Club of Andover, reported a water source finally was located after a year of looking. Construction began in October 2017.
“The borehole we drilled in 2016 found no water. So, in early 2017 we regrouped and decided to go to a contaminated spring that would require filtering and treatment,” Saline said in a press release.
The project included construction of treatment and pre-treatment equipment and buildings, a distribution system covering 500 meters and three taps.
Also included in the project was a solar power station to run the pumps and filtering equipment. In total, the project cost $115,000.
“It was a true team effort, with the Andover Rotary Club and their Interact Club (Rotary at the high school) contributing to the project,” Saline said.
“Now we need to train people and establish a safe water committee that runs a retail water business that provides the funds to maintain and service the equipment and system.”
Water Mission of South Carolina helped with the effort.
“From easing the burden of women who spent hours every day collecting contaminated water, to making it possible for children to attend school rather than suffer from waterborne illnesses, that is something to celebrate,” said Molly F Greene, co-founder and chairman of the Water Mission board of directors.
The Rotary Club of Andover is a civic organisation of men and women.
It meets at the Lanam Club, 260 North Main St., most Fridays at 7.30 am and the third Wednesday each month at Palmers, 18 Elm St, at 6 pm.
Source: The Andover Townsman