Rotary donates to support rescue efforts Two Ottawa Rotary clubs with the help of additional district grants, will also provide $8,000 for park improvements.

Rotary District 6420 Governor Scott Shore presented a cheque to the Naplate Fire Department for emergency radios. Also pictured are Naplate Mayor Jim Rick (from left), Ottawa Sunrise Rotary President Mike Fuller, Naplate Fire Chief John Nevins, fireman Bob Rick, Shore, and Ottawa Noon Rotary President Robb Hasty.
Rotary District 6420 Governor Scott Shore presented a cheque to the Naplate Fire Department for emergency radios. Also pictured are Naplate Mayor Jim Rick (from left), Ottawa Sunrise Rotary President Mike Fuller, Naplate Fire Chief John Nevins, fireman Bob Rick, Shore, and Ottawa Noon Rotary President Robb Hasty.

Rotary District Governor Scott Shore, a member of Putnam County Rotary Club, Canada — D 6420, was on hand for presentation to the Naplate Volunteer Fire Department, of a grant of just over $2,000 for the purchase of upgraded radio equipment.

The village had suffered significant tornado damage last February, prompting the upgrade including new portable radios to help meet future emergency needs.

Two Ottawa Rotary clubs with the help of additional district grants, will also provide $8,000 for park improvements including a new pavilion-type shelter.

The grant presentation marked the last day of Shore’s one-year term as Governor of the Northern and Northwestern Illinois Rotary District.

Rotary Clubs bring together community leaders and volunteers to serve others locally and globally.

Funds raised by Rotarians and community fundraisers support projects such as disaster response, health and humanitarian causes.

Source: Putnam County Record 

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